1 - Ruikasa

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Basically the main story but Nene and Tsukasa switched
And sorta an enemies to lovers au
This is Angst and Fluff lol

Tsukasas pov:
Me and Rui never really liked each other. We rarely ever interacted. It was either a death glare in the school halls, or interacting for plays, but otherwise we leave each other alone. I've never understood why we hated each other though.

It's finally the day of our first ever show. I was ready for the best part! Until...


I ended up falling and messing up. Luckily it was the end of the show. I'm hoping all the kids just thought it was a part of it.
We all walked backstage, and Nene looked annoyed. "Huh? Nene, what's wrong?" I question. "You know exactly what's wrong." She answers. It was clear she was mad. "Tsukasa. How do you think you're gonna be a 'star' if you can't even do a stunt right?" She asks, her voice started to raise. She was clearly mad. What does she mean? I'm gonna be a star! ...or will I...? "Nene, calm down. It was the first show." I heard a voice say, quickly realizing it was Rui. Wait. Rui? I thought we hated each other, so why is he defending me? But, why does it feel like she's right? Really, if I keep messing up, could I seriously be a star? The thought stays in my mind. "You know what, forget it. The shows over, let's all just go home." I manage to get out without crying. I start to walk home, holding back tears as everyone walked past me.

Ruis pov:
Tsukasas voice started to break a bit, I could hear it. We all were getting ready, but he just went straight home. I feel bad for him...
We've been to his house for planning shows before, so I find his address and start to head over. When I get there, I see a girl at the door with pink hair and pigtails. Does he have a sister? He's never talked about her.
"Oh, hello! You must be Tsukasas friend!" She sounds very enthusiastic. "Yes, I am. May I come in?" I say. She opens the door so I could get in. "Tsukasa came home looking really sad today. What happened?" I'm guessing she noticed. "I'll explain later. I wanted to check up on him." I answer. She shows me where his room is and I start to walk up there.

I walk in to see Tsukasa's head in a pillow, he looked like a mess.
"Tsukasa?" I called, trying to get in answer. He didn't answer me, I don't blame him though. He either is or was in the middle of a breakdown.
"Hey, I don't know if you feel like answering right now, but when you're ready, I'll be right here." I assure him. I sit down on his bed for a bit. I look away for a minute, then I feel something grab on to me. I turn to see tsukasa. I sit there and try to look at him. He looked like he was still crying. I wrapped my arms around him and try to comfort him.
"It's ok, Tsukasa..." I say softly.

Tsukasas pov:
I'm being comforted by someone I thought I'd always hate. For some reason I liked this... My crying starts to stop, and I look up at Rui. He looks back at me and smiles. Than he starts to open his mouth...

"I love you, Tsukasa."

What? Rui loves me...? But honestly, I felt the same. I answer him. "I love you too, Rui." We laid on my bed, and Rui turns on something for us to watch. He sits there and cuddles me.

Ruis pov:
I wrap my arms about Tsukasa. He looks happier than from earlier. I notice him starting to drift off. He must've been tired after all that's happened. He gets closer to me as I whisper, "I love you."


They don't call me the human Grammarly for nothing bitches
Anyway Sega loves me bc find a way out is one of my Hyperfixations rn and Sega gave me find a way out Akito🥰🥰

They don't call me the human Grammarly for nothing bitchesFIRST CHAPTER DONE RAHHHHHAnyway Sega loves me bc find a way out is one of my Hyperfixations rn and Sega gave me find a way out Akito🥰🥰

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See? Sega loves me (no they don't still no Toya 4*)

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