25 - help me ruikasa white day Au brainrot

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So uh headcanons:
Before they started dating:

Because Rui was a villain, they didn't allow him in, so Tsukasa let him in at night.

HATED EACH OTHER AT FIRST. Rui didn't really show it, and would end up teasing tsukasa about it. Tsukasa, meanwhile, would get frustrated.

Both were in denial

(Honestly this one is mostly both) Saki and Toya knew about it, but they never told anyone (loyal siblings Fr)

Rui would sometimes tuck tsukasa in and maybe lay with/cuddle him at night.

Rui was always there for tsukasa, even when they hated each other.

Rui would come and visit while they hated each other, but eventually he grew on Tsukasa. Thats when they started feeling better about each other.

They both knew when they were crushing on each other, and Rui fell first.


Tsukasas family still hated Rui, but everyone else didn't mind.

Sometimes they would leave and stay where Rui lived for the night.

Saki and Toya love Rui as a sibling.

If saki or Toya couldn't find them at night, theyd always assume they were at ruis house. (They were)

Rui stopped being so harsh on people after they started dating. At first he would use his magic on anyone he hated, but he uses it for other stuff now, like helping Tsukasa.

Rui and Toya, and Tsukasa and Akito Are Friends. Akito met Toya through Rui and they started dating after a bit. (1. Everyone's gay. 2. Akitoya real. Also Ik this is more akitoya but no one cares)

Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, and Rui go on Double Dates when theyre free.

Rui still teases tsukasa. Not in a hatred way though.

So yeah that's pretty much it. If y'all want me to write a chapter about one of these lmk‼️😋

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