Chapter 25

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Chapter 25, 025

    ◎Building materials market◎

    "Catch up!"

    Brother Zhang with a livid face, wiped out the cigarette butt with all his strength, "You little bastard stole the car and still dare to appear in front of us, he doesn't think his life is long enough!" "Catch up with me!" The younger


    hastily He started the car and shouted at the brothers behind: "Follow up!"

    As soon as the words fell, his car flew out like an arrow and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

    The first two cars were unknown, so they didn't realize it until the first car drove out, and quickly started the car to speed up to catch up with the captain's car.

    "Sister Lu, it seems that there is a car that has been biting us tightly." Zhou Zheng looked at the rearview mirror and frowned, feeling a little distressed.

    It's been more than ten minutes, he speeds up, and then speeds up.

    He slowed down, and the rear was still accelerating, and the distance between the two cars was shortened a lot, scaring him to slam on the accelerator.

    The car raced away immediately, and after the distance was widened, Zhou Zheng's thumping heart fell back into his chest again.

    Lu Lu glanced at the off-road vehicle of the same model that was chasing after him, and probably had a guess in his heart.

    The convoy at Building 86.

    Zhou Zheng was still muttering to himself, "'s obviously not a festival...why did you just focus on us..."

    This was supposed to be the car of that group of people.

    Knowing the truth, Lu Lu's face was calm, "Let's go down from the fork in front, make a circle and then return to the highway."

    Zhou Zheng naturally listened to Lu Lu, "Okay, Miss Lu."

    He slowly released the accelerator and turned it around Steering wheel, the off-road vehicle slowed down and turned into a fork in the road.

    Go down from this fork, pass through a residential area, return to the highway at the next fork, and shake off the tail behind.

    "Hurry up! Hurry up!" Brother Zhang slapped his thigh excitedly, his eyes sparkled, "I want to see which bastard who wants to die stole our car! See if I don't smash his dog's head off!" Hot

    pursuit Seeing the shortened distance, the off-road vehicle secretly rejoiced, stepped on the accelerator harder, and the whole off-road vehicle sped forward like crazy.

    Never thought about it.

    The accelerator pedal was too hard and the brakes didn't apply.

    There was a long black trail behind the wheel.

    "Damn!" Brother Zhang frowned so much that he could kill a fly, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and scolded his younger brother, "Idiot! Why don't you turn around and catch up! Waiting for someone to come to your door!" "Okay, okay, Brother Zhang

    . "The younger brother hurriedly turned around and returned to the fork in the road, chasing after them in the direction in which they disappeared.

    The two cars behind were unknown, so I had to obediently follow the captain's car.


    return to the highway.

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