Chapter 84

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Chapter 84, 084

    ◎Second update◎

    "What? You want to go too?"

    In the office building, Zuo You squeezed the space between his eyebrows, looked at Lu Xiao who was playing with the newly grown leaves of the potted plant, and explained helplessly: "I communicate with the landlord of No. 102 It's over, we have a group of twelve people."

    The implication is that the number of places has been set, and temporary changes have to be re-communicated with Building 102.

    An Yicheng's heart froze, and he tried his best to wink at Zuo You, but he was not very proficient in business, so Zuo You always wondered if he had cramps in the corners of his eyes.

    Lu Xiao quickly grabbed a small piece of leaf, "Why, can't you?"

    "Stop!" Zuo You's heart tightened, fearing that he would blow up the whole potted plant in a fit of anger, and quickly added: "No, it can't be done." "

    Just But didn't you still dislike dealing with people yesterday? Why do you suddenly want to follow me today?"

    Lu Xiao lowered his eyes, "I have news about my sister." "

    Although they look very similar, I'm not sure if they are the same person , so I need to find someone to confirm it myself."

    Zuo You instantly understood.

    Anyone who has been with Lu Xiao for a few days will know that this guy has a baby sister, and he has been dependent on her since childhood, but he accidentally got separated from her after the end of the world. Since then, he has not missed his sister for a day.

    Before, even when he was so crazy that he met a girl who was slightly similar to his sister, he would go to save people regardless.

    Now that there is finally some news, if he is not allowed to follow, he will probably follow secretly.

    If this guy is left alone, he can do anything.

    "Okay, let me tell you over there, remember to come and don't dove me." "

    Hiss." Zuo You stepped forward and snatched the potted plant from Lu Xiao's arms.

    Seeing that the leaves of the whole plant were almost wiped out by Lu Xiao who popped up from time to time, Zuo You felt quite pained, "Can we have a discussion, so don't harm the leaves here again, okay?"

    Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows, "It depends on your performance."


    Very arrogant.

    Zuo You went crazy, "Are you the landlord or am I the landlord?"


    The door panel was knocked twice rhythmically, obviously in the style of Zuo You's girlfriend Lu Minyi.

    "Zuoyou, can I go?" She poked her head in and squinted slightly when she saw Lu Xiao, "A Xiao, are you there?"

    Lu Xiao nodded.

    Zuo You sighed, stepped forward to hold Lu Minyi's hand, leaned over and explained in a low voice beside her ear: "Ah Xiao will go with us this time."

    Lu Minyi suppressed the surprise in her heart, "Is that so..."

    While speaking , Lu Xiao caught up and just passed the two of them, and he went straight to the last car at the end.

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