Chapter 57

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Chapter 57, 057

    ◎Getting ready to go◎

    Everyone is talking about it, worrying about the tide of zombies at the base.

    No one tried to question Lu Guo's treatment. After all, she was able to live in a small villa. It is said that she paid a lot of rent to the landlord. Besides, she is already a level 2 supernatural being. No one dares not believe it. .

    "It's too dangerous, I definitely won't go."

    "If you don't go, then why should I go, come on, let's go back to wash and sleep early." "

    That's right, this is a life-saving fortune, we can't pick it up Lost the sesame seeds, lost the watermelon."

    Many supernatural beings have publicly stated that they will not join the temporary team. After hearing their reasons for persuading them to quit, even if other supernatural beings have thought about the treatment she provided, that's okay. I dare not make a decision right away.

    "Hey Deng Feng, where are you going?"

    The man named Deng Feng didn't turn his head, and said in a dull voice, "I'm going to sign up."

    He didn't join the team, and if he didn't make a gamble, he would never make his mark. On the same day, I was hungry and full, and there was never any food left. This temporary team is led by a level 2 supernatural being, and includes weapons, three meals a day, and a salary afterwards. Even other fixed teams do not have such good conditions.

    Deng Feng's words were like a thunderbolt, which confused those supernatural beings who were still struggling.

    If you leave as soon as you say it, there may be one less quota.

    So is he going or not?

    This person was still hesitating, and there was already a small queue at Lu Lu's end.     She moved a table and two chairs from the small villa and put them at the door. With a pen and paper in her hand, she nodded to the man at the

    head of the line, "First one, come here."

Zhang Xie sat down consciously, and as soon as he sat down, he couldn't help but introduce himself, "I'm a fire-type power user."

    "Level one?" Lu Lu lowered his head and scribbled on the paper. She recruited people not only for strength, but strength alone cannot make a team successful. Everyone has to listen to the command and cooperate.

    The supernatural man nodded. liJia

    "Name, age, any team experience, impressive things before the end of the world, why did you join this temporary team." Lu Lu listed a few points, tapped his pen on the table, "In this order, one by one Answer the

    penultimate question." The second-to-last question was a bit nonsensical, and the male superhuman swallowed nervously. "My name is Liu Xianyong. I am 41 this year. I joined a temporary team before and then disbanded. The most impressive thing before the end of the world is that I ate the sesame seed cakes and soy milk that I have been thinking about for breakfast. I joined this team for..."

    " Uh...uh..."

    What is he for?

    He just wants to eat well for at least two days for the three meals and the rewards later. This is the only small wish in his life, and everything else has been ruined by the end of the world.

    Liu Xianyong was stuck for half a minute, trying to make up a reason that sounded lofty, but he really couldn't make it up. He slightly lowered his head, and whispered, "For two bites." Seeing that there was no surprise or contempt in Lu Lu's

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