Chapter 71

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Chapter 71, 071

    ◎Target people◎

    In cold weather, there is never too much wood.

    The trees on the side of the grove close to the residential area were almost cut down, leaving only a large piece of short wooden stumps. The team slowly marched towards the deep mountains, the closer to the deep mountains, the larger the range of activities.

    There were basically no zombie activities here, so Lu Lu broke up the team, and scattered them in groups of three or five.

    She took two of them herself and searched for trees that looked easier to cut near the assembly point.

    There are dead branches and fallen leaves all over the ground, and there is a crisp creaking sound when you step on it. Thinking that they wouldn't attract zombies, they didn't deliberately slow down and moved forward with big strides.

    After finding two trees with luxuriant branches and leaves but not thick trunks, Lu Lu asked them to stay here and cut down the trees carefully, while she continued to look for new trees nearby, to see if she could pick up one or two from the deep mountains Animals that haven't frozen to death.

    Before he had gone far, Lu Lu found a snake cave at the bottom of the slope. Inside was a green snake that looked like a mosquito coil, and it looked like it hadn't been frozen.

    As soon as Lu Lufu approached, the green snake opened its eyes immediately, its vertical pupils became a thin line, its vicious gaze tightly captured her figure, and the protruding snake letter was forked at the end, swinging wildly in the direction where she was.

    An ordinary green snake is no more than a level 1 zombie.

    She moved her wrist twice, and took out the ax from her waist, "...tsk, little sample."

    As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Lu squinted his eyes.

    She noticed that a small bright spot of light briefly appeared two meters away from the snake cave, and disappeared from her eyes in less than a second.

    The green snake didn't dare to attack rashly, and was still hissing and spitting out snake letters, with cold eyes.

    Lu Lu's gaze fell on the ax in his hand without any trace.

    Not the light reflected off the metal surface of the axe.


    While she regarded the green snake as prey, someone regarded her as prey.

    If she happened not to be the one being targeted, she really wanted to find someone to boast to her face, "It's such a good trick, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

    She didn't think too much, and pulled out a small piece of sharp metal shavings from her belt with her backhand. It was the kind of sharpness that could cut a hole in a human hand with a little carelessness.

    With a strong hand, the shavings appeared in front of the green snake in a second, and went straight into the slightly raised head of the green snake. When the snake letter softened, the green snake died instantly.

    The ambush man was still worried about the light spot that was accidentally exposed before, but now he was relieved to see that the target person didn't know anything and was still concentrating on dealing with the green snake.

    The target person shoots the green snake.

    Target character puts away his axe.

    The target person walked over to pick up the green snake and pull out the metal shavings.

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