Chapter 66

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Chapter 66, 066

    ◎Magical Well◎

    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her. Ding Li’s temperament has changed significantly. Compared with the time when she walked for a while, she looks more cheerful and forthright now.

    "How is it? I didn't expect that I would come to interview your team, right?" Ding Li opened her chair and sat down with a smile on her face.

    Lu Lu nodded slightly, and admitted what she said, "I really didn't expect that."

    Ding Li was the captain of an all-female team when they parted before, and now she suddenly came to interview her team. Is it over?

    Seeing the undisguised worry in her eyes, Ding Li waved her hands and said in relief, "I live quite comfortably now, don't worry about me." "

    I led the female team members back to the building before. I was looking for you to catch up on the old days, but it happened that you were not there, so I just missed it." Ding Li said with emotion.

    "Now the team has disbanded, Xiaomi Shuhua found her family, Dajuan met her other half and went to live together, Liang Jun and Wanyi left..." Ding Li smiled, "I'm the only one left now

    . , I’m not in the mood to pull another team out. This just happens to be your recruiting team, so I’ll just come over and try.”

    Since he is an old acquaintance, Lu Lu directly skipped the basic information question and went to the main topic.

    Ding Li herself didn't intend to take advantage of her old acquaintance's relationship to go through the back door. She would answer Lu Lu's questions truthfully, neither pretentious nor artificial.

    "Liu Xianyong, come here."

    Liu Xianyong, who was squatting in the corner waiting for the captain's order to work, immediately trotted over when he heard the voice.

    Seeing that Lu Lu did not intend to let the interviewer leave, he rolled his small eyes around, "Captain, is this our new teammate?" Lu Lu

    nodded, "Take Miss Ding Li to the small base to identify the place, by the way everyone Let's get to know each other."

    The small base is in the building next to the villa, and Lu Lu made room for the team members to move in.

    Ding Li is now a level 2 supernatural being. She has passed the test in strength and has a calm and cheerful personality. She is suitable for being the vice team, but she doesn't plan to announce her thoughts yet, and it won't be too late when everyone gathers.

    The interview continued until the afternoon, and Zhao Wei and Yang Feng who came for the interview took up two of the remaining five spots. Lu Lu recruited two young level 2 supernatural beings.

    The last spot has been tossing until the last two interviewees have not been finalized.

    Liu Xianyong carefully glanced at the situation outside.

    Among them, the older interviewer seemed to have no patience, and he grabbed two handfuls of hair manically.

    Another young black-haired man lowered his brows and eyes quietly, unable to see clearly the emotions at this moment.

    He had no choice but to remind his team leader, "There are only two people left..."

    If no one is selected from these two, the ten-member team may be cut into a nine-member team. I hope the team leader can figure it out.

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