Chapter 89

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Chapter 89, 089

    ◎Birth and change◎

    The setting sun sinks to the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles all over the yellow land. People passing by can see a lonely figure appearing on the wasteland.

    Not long after, the figures on the wasteland turned into two figures, a man and a woman.

    "Sister Lu, here's the shovel you wanted!"

    Upon receiving the message, Xu He immediately stopped his patrol and rushed to the wasteland on the edge of the building, fearing that Lu Lu had something urgent to do.

    Lu Lu got up and pointed to the field in front of him, "Dig a hole there, it doesn't have to be too deep, half a meter is enough."

    Xu He couldn't figure it out for a while, but he always regarded Lu Lu's words as the truth , didn't ask anything, and dug a hole with a shovel diligently.

    Every time he dug deeper, Lu Lu's frown became tighter, and his face became more serious.

    The loess land has been dry for a long time, and the soil underneath has solidified into lumps. The yellow-brown mud that Xu He dug out from the pit is completely dry, and it can be completely crushed into mud with a light pinch with his fingers.

    "Okay, there's no need to dig."

    After digging for a long time, Lu Lu stopped.

    Holding the shovel, Xu He was at a loss, "Sister Lu... did I dig it wrong?"

    It wasn't his problem at all, but the problem of these tender shoots.

    The sudden emergence of so many weeds on land that is desperately short of water and neglected is probably not a natural phenomenon.

    Could it be another mutation of the doomsday? Should it be a good thing or a bad thing?

    She shook her head and looked away, "It has nothing to do with you, you have worked hard today, go back."

    The two walked back.

    Lu Lu thought for a moment, and said to Xu He: "Tonight, you lead people to patrol the building, and let everyone try not to go out if they have nothing to do tonight."

    "Also, call all the security guards in the building immediately after you go back, and immediately remove the plants around the protective cover of the building, don't let a single one go." "Understood,

    I will arrange it tonight."

    What Xu He admired the most It was to trust her unconditionally and complete what she had entrusted to him unconditionally.

    Lu Lu thought for a while, and added: "If someone asks, you can tell them directly that the landlord found weeds suddenly appearing on the wasteland. There may be a change, and it is very dangerous to go out at night." Hearing the word "mutation

    " , Xu He was startled suddenly, and immediately understood the reason why Lu Lu suddenly asked him to dig a hole with a shovel.

    It must not be a trivial matter for Lu Lu to pay so much attention to it.

    He readily agreed, "Okay."

    Lu Lu took out the satellite phone from his pocket, dialed Lu Xiao, beeped a few times, but no one answered.

    After thinking for a moment, she opened the panel and sent a message to No. 86.

    [Lord No. 102: There is a problem with the plants, remember to clean up the plants around the building in advance, there may be changes tonight, try not to go out at night. ]

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