Chapter 3 | Frogs and Drama Queens

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"Here you go. Look alive."

Mom tossed everyone their toast while we scooped eggs onto our plates. I sat in between Charlie and Lorraine. Lorraine kicked me under the table. I wanted to bitch slap her so badly. Don't get me wrong I love my sister but she's a brat to me.

"Lorraine," Charlie said.

Charlie always knew that me and Lorraine didn't get along. She had always been jealous of me. I have a boyfriend. I'm popular. I'm on a sports team and am in theater. Have the bigger bedroom. And am loved the most by my siblings.

I noticed Mark standing instead of sitting. He was staring up at the light. I looked up noticing Beans up there. Mark started to move his net towards it.

"No, Mark!" I yelled!

The frog came down into the eggs sending them flying. Lorraine started to cry. Drama queen.

"Get him!" Dad yelled.

Beans started moving towards the table as we reached to grab him.

"Come on!"

"Get him, Charlie!"

"He's headed for the waffles!"

We scrambled to grab Beans. He jumped towards the middle of the kitchen.

"Mike, stick!" Mom said.

Mike handed him the stick

"Mark, net!"

Marked threw Dad the net.

"l got the door covered!"

"l got the net!"

Beans sat on the counter. Dad lunged at him but slipped on the floor. He came back up with a grin on his face. He then lunged at Beans getting him into the net. We all cheered.

"Put Beans in his cage now," Dad said handing Mark the net.

Just when he turned Mike turned around he knocked all the glass stuff that somehow stayed unbroken in our house until now.

"ls everything broken?" Mom asked, "Teacup with the flower on it broken?"

Dad nodded his head.

"Nice move, FedEx," Sarah shouted at him.

I glared at her.

After we all changed we headed off to school. I left before everyone because I was getting picked up by my boyfriend, Zac.

"Hey, hun." He said when I got in the car.

"Hi," I kissed him on the cheek before buckling up to leave.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Baker." He shouted.

"Hi, Zac!"

We pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the school.

"Any chance you can bring me home from practice?"


"Thanks and you can stay for dinner," I told him.

We got to the school and started walking in. Standing near my locker was Katie queen of our school. Me and her didn't get along but we didn't let that get in the way of being popular. Charlie walked in with Beth under his arm. Beth is popular but no one liked her because she was rude. Her and Lorraine were close but that made sense.



Every morning me and Charlie would say each other's names when we saw each other but didn't interact. Me, Zac, Katie, Bailey, Jack, and Sam all walked together towards class. Let me explain the relationships here. Me and Zac have been together for a few months. Katie is dating Jack while Bailey and Sam are dating. Oh and Sam is short for Samantha. Bailey is bisexual and Sam is Lesbian. We understand and love them both plus they are so cute together.

"We better go before the bell rings," Zac says taking my hand.


He walks me to class before going across the hall to his class.

"Have a great day," I say and smile.

"Have a great day," I say and smile

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"You too."

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