Chapter 8 | Stalker

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Days Later

Abby had already said bye to Kate so she didn't follow Tom and the kids outside to say bye. She sat in her room depressed because she was bored.


Abby thought she was going crazy til it happened again.


The sound was coming from her window. She got up and opened her window sticking her head out and looked down at who was there.

"Hey, Stalker." The boy said.

"Um hi, I'm-I'm not a stalker."

"I've seen you looking at me through your window. I'm Blake by the way."


"So what brings you to this town?"

"My dad's job."

Her smile drops remembering she hasn't seen anyone from Midland in a long time.

Her smile drops remembering she hasn't seen anyone from Midland in a long time

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"You miss home?" Blake asks.


"Blake! Come on!" Someone yells.

"Well, I gotta go, see you later, Stalker."

Blake heads towards his car. Abby gets up and starts heading toward Charlie's room. Without even knocking she opens the door.

"Abby!" Charlie yells, pissed off that she just walked in.

He was on the phone with someone, probably Beth.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to Midland

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"I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to Midland."

He notices her sad expression.

"I'll call you back." He tells the person, "What's wrong?"

"I just really miss Midland and-and Im so nervous to start school."

Abby broke down in tears. Charlie pulled her in for a hug and just let her cry.

"I miss Midland too."

"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow."

"None of us do."

"God, I hate this place."

They pull out of the hug and just stand there.

"Weird thing, but can you sleep in my room tonight?"

Charlie chuckles before giving her a response.


The Next Day

Abby pulled into school in her new car that she had recently got. She parked next to Charlie. When they all got out one of the popular kids started making fun of Charlie.


"l guess he's the funniest guy in the herd." Lorraine scoffed.

Abby watched Charlie accidentally hit the guy's car and the car horn started to go off. All the teens on it laughed at him.

"Hey, Stalker."

Blake came up behind Abby in the parking lot.

"Oh, hey. Can you um help me find my classes?" She asked


She handed him her schedule.

"We have the same schedule, shockingly."

After school, the kids were messing up the house. Charlie was fixing his car while Mark washed a different car. The rest of the kids were doing things like climbing down the side of the house. Abby was in her room with Blake. They were watching a movie while playing Monopoly. A family favorite.

They heard yelling and crashing from downstairs.

"Well, that's just a normal day at my house."

"Hey, Nigel, wanna play darts?" Kim yelled from outside Abby's door.

Her face said it all, she was embarrassed that this was currently happening.

"Come on, Dad. Don't hide in the closet!"

"Take it like a man!"

Abby was trying so hard not to laugh at the things that were being said in her house.

So Tom began the hunt for a babysitter for the kids and the days went slowly while the kids waited for their mom to come home.

Few Days Later

"Hey, Abby?" Mark asked coming into her bedroom.

"What do you need?"

"Can you help me with this?"

"Yeah, I can."

She helped him with his math til it was done.



"I'm not happy here, are you?"

To be honest, Abby wasn't happy but she didn't hate it, she got popular friends easily, however, she missed her old friends and Zac.

"Depends on the day." She told him.

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem."

He got up and left her room leaving her to her thoughts. She picked up her phone and called Zac.


"Hi, it's um been a while."

"Yeah, it has."

"How's Midland been?"

"Good. Look, Abby, I don't think we can make this long-distance thing work. I haven't seen you since you moved."

"I'll come visit."

"It's not just that, I cheated on you."

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