Chapter 7 | Attack on Hank

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A Week Later

"Sarah do you have my-"

Abby opened Sarah's bedroom door. The lights were out in Sarah's room making it completely dark with nothing but a small lamp in the middle and a blueprint.

"I don't even wanna know," Abby said putting her hands up and closing the door.

She stood outside thinking about what the kids might be doing in there.

"You good?" Charlie asked coming up behind her.

"I kinda don't wanna know what they are plotting."

"What are you talking about?"

"Um well, I just witnessed the younger kids sitting in the dark like some interrogation session."

"That's normal for this family."

"Abby! Charlie! Lorraine!" Kate called from downstairs.

"What?!" Lorraine yelled walking out of her bedroom in her bathrobe and green face mask.

"Look it's the Wicked Witch of the West in her purest form."

Lorraine glared at Abby, "funny

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Lorraine glared at Abby, "funny."

The teens followed each other downstairs to find Kate scrambling abound the kitchen.

"Well don't just stand there, help!"

Charlie and Lorraine grabbed the place settings for the table while Abby help Kate with the food.

"Mom, does Doorknob really have to come over?" Abby asked.


Abby rolled her eyes and kept flipping pancakes. She made them til Charlie and Lorraine came back. Charlie took Abby's job so she made bacon and sausage while Lorraine cut fruit. That was probably the only thing she could do.

The teens helped their Mom til she didn't need it anymore.

"Alright, we got everything." She said putting the last plate of French toast onto the kitchen counter.


"Just go get changed or go play Appleschmear."

The teens exited the kitchen and started heading upstairs. Lorraine quickly hurried to her room so she could get changed while Abby and Charlie slowly walked back.

Abby changed into some jeans and a tank top. She watched from her window as Nora and Hank pull up and Hank told all the kids to stay away from his car.

Abby also watched the younger kid's plan fall exactly how they wanted it to.

Within the next ten minutes, Abby was sitting in Charlie's room with him watching TV.

"Kids!" Kate called, "Food!"

Charlie turned off the TV and they both got up. It sounded like a herd of animals running to eat.

Charlie sat between Abby and Lorraine while everyone else sat where they wanted.

"Kate, is this-- is this orange juice freshly squeezed? Nora and l are on a bit of an organic diet and we're only goin' with the organic freshly squeezed... and it tastes a bit like Tropicana."

"Wow Hank, great observation," Abby scoffed.

Three missing kids, Sarah, Jake, and Henry came into to kitchen all with smirks on their faces.

"You guys poppin' out another one any time soon? Just... curiosity."

Abby looked at Charlie shocked. All the kids felt Gunner come running through the table but brushed it off.

"Honey, he's--he's really digging in," Hank said.

The younger kids had soaked Hank's underwear in meat.

"Sorry, babe. Gunner, stop! Sit-Sit down!" Nora told Gunner.

"He's attacking!"

Hank started to fall backward on his chair while the teens attempted to hold in a laugh.

"Stop it, Gunner." Nora kept saying.

"Oh, my. Well, he's hungry." Tom joked.

"Stop it, Gunner!"

Tom and Kate ran over to help get Gunner off

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Tom and Kate ran over to help get Gunner off. By this point, Hank was on the floor and the kids were dying laughing. Nora glared back at the kids.

"Nora! Nora, we didn't want you to go!" The younger kids yelled following her out the door

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"Nora! Nora, we didn't want you to go!" The younger kids yelled following her out the door.

"Look, let's just get something clear. Even though you guys live near me now, l have my own life. It's mine. Not ours-- mine."

"Nora! Would you please get in the LeBaron? l beg of you!" Hank called.

"My loyalty is to Hank now and that's the way it's gonna be." Nora sassed before running off.

"ln the living room, now! Let's go!"

"Abby, Charlie, Lorraine, you guys are dismissed," Tom told them.

Charlie and Abby went back to what they were doing before, watching TV.

"How did we never think of that as kids?" Abby asked Charlie.

"'I don't know and we were good at stuff like that."

"Do you ever still do stuff like that? Charlie asked.


"You are crazy."

"But you love me."

Abby gave a funny smile.


Charlie pulled her in for a hug.

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