Chapter 1 | Lake Winnetka

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"They say that starting a family is an act of optimism. Well, Tom and I were clearly very, very, very optimistic. There are always good times and difficult ones along the way. And with 13 kids, you learn a lot of lessons. But the one that you never get used to is that moment when you look your child in the eye and find yourself having to say the most difficult word of all; goodbye."


Abby sat at Lorraine's graduation in her blue mini dress while waiting for her family to show up. They all came running in moments before Lorraine got her diploma. Charlie came in shortly after and sat down next to Abby.

"You're late." She said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Tom stood up to cheer when Lorraine's name got called.


Abby and Charlie sat at Lorraine's graduation party glaring at each other from across the table. Something they had been doing since they were little whenever they went to parties.

"All right, all right." Tom and Kate walked up to the stage to give a speech, "it is time to toast the graduate. Lorraine, we are all so proud of you, for keeping your chin up and charging the mountain.And for being a truly unique and wonderful person. And for getting that internship at Allure magazine. Did you know about that?"

Everyone at the party cheered and Lorraine blushed making Abby roll her eyes a little.

"Even though I'll be trying to convince you staying here is a better choice for your future than moving to dirty, expensive, crime-ridden New York City, but here's to Lorraine. OK. My daughter Nora and her husband Bud, you wanna say something? And our future linebacker."

Nora wobbled onto the stage with Bud right behind her.

"First of all, congratulations, Lorraine. Bud and I hope that our baby will be as cool and accomplished as you."

"Wow she didn't say any of that at my graduation." Abby said to Charlie.

"Well times have changed, I guess."

"And second of all... I don't mean to make this toast all about Bud and l, but we have some kind of big news."

Bud took over for Nora.

"I've just been offered the vice-presidency of a new advertising firm. - In Houston. We're moving in September. Thank you."

They both got off the stage and headed towards Tom and Kate who were standing at the bar.

"We both need to leave," said Charlie looking down at his watch.

Abby chugged the last of her drink and then stood up grabbing her keys and bag. The two of them headed towards their parents.

"Well, time for me to get my hands dirty," said Charlie.

"And I'm on duty in 3 hours."

"You're working? What about the game? Rematch against the cousins." Tom asked the two.

"I've got student loans to pay off, Dad."

"And I need money so I don't have student loans." Abby told Tom.

"Alright, we'll be safe."

"I will, Mom. Love you."

Abby hugged her parents before she headed to her car with Charlie following behind.

"Bye, loser!" She shouted before Charlie got in his car.

"Whatever, you're the bigger loser."

"Yeah, yeah."


"You're conferencing with all of us, Charlie, and Lorraine." Kate told Abby over the phone.

"Hi, Abby."

"Hey, guys. What's up?

"It's Lorraine."

"We have a surprise." Tom said, quieting down all the kids.

Abby was on her bed while on the phone with her family.

"We rented the big house up in Lake Winnetka."

"Winnetka? That's my middle name." Shouted one of the twins.

"And Lake is mine."

"And it's where we're gonna spend Labor Day, just like in the old days."

"Dad, I'm gonna be very pregnant then." Nora told him.

"And I'm gonna be apartment hunting in New York in August." Said Lorraine.

"I wanna hang out with my friends."

"How come we're named after a house?" Asked Kyle.

"Good question. Your middle name is Winnetka and your middle name is Lake - cause you were conceived there."

"Oh god." Said Abby.

"What does conceived mean?"

"It means Mom and Dad-"

"-had a conversation that we'd discuss it later." Said Kate.

"Kyle and me will go anyplace that has our name on it."

"Bingo! Come on."

"Yeah. I love the lake. I'm in."

"I guess I can cancel a couple of gigs."

"OK, we're in," said Nora.

"All right. We agree to participate."


"We'll bring the wake-boards and totally dominate." Sarah told the boys.

"OK, we're in."

"All right! And that leaves Abby. Come on. You'll have fun." Tom begged Abby.

"I can't just call off a whole week of work. Plus that will be my biggest weekend of the year. That and the 4th of July."

"Come on, Abbs," Charlie said.

"Okay, let me ask Blake. Blake? My family wants to come up to the Lake for Labor Day. How does that sound? - Come one. It might be fun. Alright on one condition, I can't stay at the house every night and you people better not beg me."

"Deal! That's a Baker's dozen! Looks like we're going to the lake!"

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