Chapter 9 | Little Sister With A Broken Heart

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"It's not just that, I cheated on you."

The teen stood there emotionless. She wanted to cry but couldn't.


"I have to go."

She hung the phone up and dropped it, letting her emotions go. Tears fell from her eyes. She attempted to get to her bed but failed and kept falling from her vision being blurred.

"Abby?" Charlie knocked on her door.

She didn't respond so Charlie opened her door. He found her laying on the floor in tears, completely sobbing.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He cheated. Stupid motherf-"

He cut her off before she could finish that sentence.

"I'm sorry."

Charlie pulled her in for a hug and just sat there holding her til she stopped crying. Her sobs turned to light breathing. Charlie picked her up and laid her in her bed.

"Night, Abs."

He kissed her forehead before leaving her room. On his way out he stopped in the doorway and turned around looking at his sleeping little sister.

"Sorry that asshole did that to you, but Blake is way better."

The Next Morning

"Hey, kids, l had to get to work. Lorraine and Kim, you're in charge of breakfast. Henry and Jake, lunches. Charlie and Abby, handle drop-offs.'' Charlie read that note that had been tapped to the stairs out loud.

"Of course, we have drop off," Abby said from the top of the stairs.

"Good morning, didn't think you were gonna make an appearance today."

"I got school." She said.

"Yeah, you do."

When they arrived at school Charlie almost started a fight with the popular kid. Lorraine had to pull him off.

"Listen to me," Abby said coming near the popular kid

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"Listen to me," Abby said coming near the popular kid. "Don't mess with my family."

"Oh, I'm so scared."

"I hope you like frogs in that fancy car of yours." Abby sassed.

"Don't touch Ruby."

"Then don't mess with my family."

After School

"Kids, on the carpet! Now!"

Lorraine comes strolling in, in her sweatpants and green face mask. She shrieked at the sight.

 She shrieked at the sight

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"Dad! College guys?"

She went running off, embarrassed.

"What's goin' on here?" Sarah asked.

"Where's Abby?"

"She's getting a ride home from her new boyfriend after practice."

"Where's Charlie?" Tom asked.

"He went to Midland for the day."

"Midland? lt's a school day."

"He hates school. 'Course you couldn't know that 'cause you're never home." Sarah scoffed.

"Well, that is about to change, Sarah Baker. Because since l can't go to work without you guys getting in trouble and since l can't stay home without Shake bugging me, l have brought my work home with me."

"Guys, meet the family. Family, meet the team."

"'Sup, boys?" Jake yelled.

"Hey, I'm home!" Abby said coming in through the door.

She couldn't get through the door cause of all the players.

"Abigail Baker."

"Yes, Tom Baker?"

"Your late and you definitely didn't go to practice cause you aren't in your practice stuff."

"It got canceled." She said.

"You didn't even have practice today."

"Dad, not right now."

"Boys, head to the living room. Abigail, kitchen now."

She followed Tom to the kitchen.

"I don't appreciate the lying," Tom said.

"Well, 1. you weren't coming home for a while, and 2. I needed some fun after last night, but of course, you would know what happened cause you are never home." She sassed.

"What happened."

"Doesn't concern you."

"When did you get a new boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Well, Sarah said he was."

Tom was angry with the teen.

"Oh so now you're gonna believe a kid?!"

"Send him home."

Abby glared at him. Tom started heading towards the entry to make Blake leave.


"Sorry, Blake but Abby has chores to do so she can't hang out, bye."

"I'll walk you out, Blake."

She followed Blake to the bottom of the steps.

"I'm so sorry about my Dad."

"It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

Blake kissed her on the cheek before walking towards his house next door. She blushed as he walked away.

Was she slowly falling for her neighbor?


Hey everyone! Few things:

1.  Please vote for the OC Yearbook Awards hosted by the amazing dash-of-clarity and please consider voting Charlie and Abby Baker for best sibling duo. 

Link to OC Yearbook Awards ---->

2. I added Blake's face claim so you now get to see what he looks like.

3. Don't forget to comment and vote.


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