Chapter 7 | Baby?

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"Let's see what you got, Tom." Jimmy shouted back at the family.

The Baker's went into a huddle to listen to Tom's speech.

"I've been a jerk all week, but that's old news. Get loose. Don't let 'em intimidate you."

"Yeah!" The younger kids all shouted.

"You each have a special talent. I want you to use it. I don't care if we win or lose. Just do your best. We don't have a game plan, but-"

"Chin up. Charge the mountain!" Jake told the family.

"Exactly! That's the game plan. OK, break on three. One, two, three."


Both families went head-to-head eliminating other families throughout their challenges. They battled their way through the games until the final two families were left. The Bakers and Murtaughs stood near Mike Romalow who gave the game scores to the families.

"Well, folks, for the first time since 1961, our Labor Day Cup has ended in a tie. The Miller family will be taking third place. And to determine second place and our champion, the Bakers and the Murtaughs are going to have a canoe race from here to the State Forest end of the park and back. And all family members must participate." Mike told the families.

Abby turned to her dad, "Dad, Nora can't do it."

"Mike, I got a daughter who's due in a week. She can't do that."

"Tom, maybe you can work something out with Jimmy here." Mike told Tom.

"Looks like you're gonna have to forfeit, Tom." Jimmy said.

"She can't do it, so we're done. And congratulations." Tom congratulated Jimmy and his family.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm going, Dad. You just pissed off a severely hormonal pregnant woman. Let's do this!" Nora shouted.

"Are you sure?" Abby asked.

"I just need a life jacket."

The two families climbed into their canoes. Anne stopped Abby and gave her some advice.

"Stay on the north side of the lake. There's less wind."

"Thanks, Murtaugh." Abby said.

"You're welcome, Baker."

The two hurried off to their canoes and got set to go. The families rowed their way down the lake.

"I think we're taking on water." Bud told the family.

"It's me." Nora said.

"Nora's water just broke!"

Tom started to yell to Jimmy alerting him of the situation. The Bakers rowed to the shore line and helped get Nora out. Then the Murtaugh kids started popping up out of the water.

"If we cut through, the roads not that far."

"Then let's get going." Abby told them.

Charlie and Bud carried Nora towards the road with the family following behind. Once the family made it to the hospital they all rushed to the front desk.

"My daughter is about to deliver and I need to get her in. I don't want her to feel any pain. I want the baby to be healthy. Get it? Good." Kate sassed the nurse.

The doctors started to take Nora to the delivery room with the family following behind.

"Family only in the delivery room." The Baker's moved forward. "Whoa, whoa! You're all family?"

"I'm her mother." Kate said.

Lorraine started to move towards Nora, "I'll go."

"Actually Lorraine, we want Abby. And Abby, we want you to be the godmother."


"Of course. After all, you are my first sister."

"Thank you. Charlie, can you please call Blake?"

Charlie nodded his head in response.

"Let's go have your baby."


Only a few more chapters left!! Thank you so much for reading! <3

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