Chapter 12 | Lighters & Chapstick

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"Why should I be happy?! My best friend just walked out on me, you and Dad are constantly fighting, my ex broke up with me! And now I can't figure out if I wanna date Blake or not, mainly because I don't want him to be scared off by this family!"

"Zac broke up with you?"

"No, Mom! He cheated, but you wouldn't know this because you aren't around anymore!"

Abby grabbed a backpack and started throwing clothes into her bag.

"I'm leaving." She said, "and you can't stop me."

She zipped her back up and grabbed her keys and Converse shoes.

"Don't do this." Kate told her.

"I can do whatever I want," she said.

Abby walked towards her bedroom door and towards the front door. Her family were all fighting with each other.

"Abigail?" Tom asked.

She kept walking til she got to her car. Abby opened the passenger side and threw her backpack in. She closed the door and slid her Converse on, she didn't even bother to tie them. Afterwards, Abby walked to the driver's side and got in her car.

Abby drove to the nearest store and parked her car in the parking lot. She got out of her car and started walking in. Slowly walking down the aisles, she thought about everything. Her ex, Zac, maybe future boyfriend, Blake, her brother, Charlie, and her family. She stopped in front of the hair dye and pondered what color to pick out. Brown, black, red, blue, or pink.

She picked up a box up purple and started walking towards the register. She also grabbed a magazine, Skittles, and a lighter. Abby placed them on the register and waited for them to be rang up.

"That'll be $8.50."

She handed the guy a $10 and waited for her change. Abby headed to her car and put her stuff in before starting her engine and driving somewhere.

After about 20 minutes of driving she stopped in a random area and got out. Abigail took her notebook out of her backpack and the lighter she recently bought. She tore out the page in her notebook saying she was going to marry Zac, the pages about her brother, and a page about her family. She slowly lit each individual paper on fire and watched them burn as she held it in her hand.


~ Later That Night ~


Abby finally went home around 8 p.m. She parked her car outside and sat there debating if she wanted to go inside or not. She saw Blake outside. Abby rolled down her window and shouted to him.


He walked closer to her car, "Abby? What are you doing?"

"Get in?"

He opened the door and climbed into the passenger's seat.



"To answer your question, I'm out here because I'm debating if I wanna go back inside or not."

"What did you do?" Blake asked.

"I'll confess what I did if you answer a question I have for you."

"Alright, fine."

"I said a bunch of stuff and got mad at everyone. I left and went to the store, maybe burned a few things. The usual."

"The usual?"

"Now, my question. Do you or do you not like me?"

His face went a little pale and his cheeks got red.


"Whether or not, I like you." She said.

"I like you too."

They both looked at each other for a sec and slowly moved closer.

"Nice cherry chapstick." Blake said after they pulled away.

Tom knocked on the car window and Abby rolled it down.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Mark is missing."


~ 1 hour later ~


Abby and Blake had been up and down the street for an hour looking for Mark. She sat down on a curb and started to cry.

"Abby, please don't cry." Blake said and sat down next to her.

"We'll find him. Does he have like a happy place where he would be?"

"His favorite place in the world."

And she took off running.

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