Chapter 5 | Indoor Hockey and Backyard Football

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I stood in what used to be my room. Now it was empty. Zac came up behind me giving me a hug and laying his head on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said.

"I really don't wanna go."

There were tears in my eyes. Bailey and Sam come into my room both holding something.

"This is a going away gift," Bailey says as I move out of Zac's arms.

She hands me the gift and I unwrap it. Inside is a scrapbook holding pictures of our whole lives together. I give her a hug. Sam hands me a little gift as well. Inside this gift is a locket with a picture of the three of us when we first met in kindergarten. Now tears are running down my face as I hug both of them.

"Abby, we gotta go," Dad says peaking in the doorway.

"Okay." I sniffle and wipe the tears off my face.

Bailey, Sam, and Zac all follow me outside. I stand next to the passenger side of the car Charlie is driving. Bailey and Sam both hug me before heading toward Sam's car. Zac hugs me and gives me a kiss.

"Love you." He says.

"I love you too."

He then takes off his sweatshirt and puts it over my head.


"Don't worry, it's your favorite."


"Alright, everyone in the cars let's go!"

"Thanks for ruining my life," Charlie says before getting in the car.

Zac backs away from the car and I climb. I wave goodbye to Zac as Charlie pulls away from my childhood home. I let the tears fall from my eyes and place my headphones in listening to some sad songs.


~ Four Hours Later ~


Me and Charlie stand outside the new house waiting for our family to show up.

"Hey, Charlie?"


"Please don't become an asshole."

"Yeah, whatever."

Mom and Dad pull up with all the kids in the car.

"All right, the twins share, but everybody else gets their own room. Now, go kill each other for the best one!"

All the kids take off while I slowly walk toward the door.

"Hey, Charlie."

Charlie turns around to face Dad.

"You're gonna need a car to visit Beth. The Olds is yours now." Dad throws Charlie the keys, "oh, and Abby, we're gonna get you a car so you can visit Zac."

"You trying to bribe me?" I ask.

"ls it working?"

"Little bit."

Me and Charlie head inside. I pick a room all the way down the hallway so I can have my space. Once my boxes are brought up I start to unpack. After my room is finished I get a knock on my door.

"Hey Abby, woah awesome room!" Jake was standing outside the door with his rollerblades and hockey stick.


I smirked at him.

"Indoor hockey game?" I asked.


I grabbed my rollerblades, helmet, and stick. We set the goals up and started playing. Me and Mike were at one end of the hallway while Jake and Dylan were at the other. Mike hit a solid wrist slap.

"Heads up!" I yelled.


Dad caught the ball before it hit the neighbor lady.

"Little less wrist, Mike." He yelled tossing the ball back up.

I got it before Mike could.

"Got it."

"Game on!" Jake yelled.

"Uh, they're playing hockey in the house?" The neighbor lady asked.

"Well, if the game gets bigger than three-on-three, then they have to take it outside."

I followed Jake and Mike hopping down the stairs with Dylan struggling behind us.

"Uh, Dylan doesn't really care for rough play."

We smacked the ball toward the railing. Dylan took off trying to get it.

"Uh, you're gonna wanna stop now, dude," Jake shouted.

We all watched as Dylan went flying over the railing onto the chandelier. Dad ran halfway up the stairs and started grabbing for the chandelier but he missed and ended up swinging on the chandelier as well.

"What the hell is going on?" Charlie asked coming out of his room.

"An average day at the Baker's house," I said.

"So indoor hockey and chandelier swinging?"

I nodded my head, "basically yes."

Jake and Mike were yelling at Dylan. Next thing I saw was Dad laying on the floor with the chandelier.

"Well, that went well."

"Hey, Charlie, come on down and help me with this, okay?" Dad yelled.

Charlie headed down to help. I skated to my room, placing my stick by the door while I also took my rollerblades and helmet off. I sat on my bed and looked out the window. Someone or something caught my eye. I went over to the window and opened it, popping my head out. I saw a cute neighbor boy standing in his backyard with a football. There were two younger kids as well as an older man, probably his Dad all out there with the football.

"Blake! Throw, I'm open!" One of the younger kids yelled.

The cute boy or Blake throws the ball at the younger kid. The little kid caught the ball and took off running.

"Nice job, Lizzie!" Blake shouted to the younger girl, Lizzie.

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad move after all.

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad move after all

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