Chapter 8 | Love

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Nora sat on the bed with her baby girl in her arms.

"She's so beautiful." Abby told her sister.

"She really is."

"You did a good job, honey. Really good job." Kate told Nora.

"That's a little girl. Too bad she wasn't there to help us win the cup." Tom said as he walked into the room.

"She'll get a chance. Mike Romanow gave me a deal. Now we own the big house at the lake."

"It'll be nice having you in the neighborhood, Bud." Jimmy told him, "you Murtaughs better start cranking out grandkids if you wanna compete."

"So, any ideas on names?" Lorraine asked.

"I think we're going to go with 'Harper'."

"Wait, that's my middle name."

Abby looked in shock at the name decision.

"Because you taught us that family is everything and that there is no good way to be a sibling, but a million ways to be one. Plus you are my favorite. Say hi to Auntie Abby."

Nora and Bud handed Harper towards Abby. She took the baby into her arms and just stared at her.

"She's beautiful." Blake said.

"Yeah she is. Wait, when did you get here?"

"Just a minute ago."

"Welcome to the family, Harper."


"Letting go is the hardest thing you can do as a parent. You have to settle with the past, engage in the present, and believe in the future. That vacation at Lake Winnetka reminded Tom and me that we 're always learning as parents, and that the bond is forever. Even as the kids grow up and venture out on their own, we 'll always be with them and they'll always be with us. Because life is a voyage that's homeward bound."


~ nights later ~

Abby stood outside on the dock waiting for Blake. He told her to meet him there at 9 pm in something nice. She wore a mini blue dress and some sneakers. She was a little confused as to what he meant but still showed up.

Abby watched him jog up towards the boat dock, cautiously holding onto his pocket.

"Sorry I just got done talking to your dad."

"It's okay. Why did you wanna meet here?"

"We need to talk about some stuff."


Abby didn't notice her family file out onto the deck quietly, she was so focused on Blake.

"There is a lot that I wanna say but I'm gonna make it short."

He took her hand in his before looking into her eyes.

"Abby, you make me so happy every single day. Just getting to wake up and fall asleep next to you is amazing. You make the world a brighter place. That day you moved in, I actually never thought I would get to talk to you, let alone date you. You are such an amazing person. We may be young but I know I wanna keep being with you. After talking to your dad and Charlie about some stuff and getting their approval, I need yours."

Abby watched Blake get down onto one knee and pull a little box out of his pocket. He opened the box which showed a beautiful engagement ring.

"Abigail Harper Baker, would you marry me?"

Tears stung her eyes and the world seemed to stop.


Blake took the ring and placed it on her finger. He picked her up and spun her around.

"She said yes!!" He turned to shout at the family.

They all started to cheer and rush towards the couple.

"We're getting married!


| the end |

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