Chapter 6 | Dates & Games

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"This vacation is a nightmare." Charlie told her.

"Why is dad acting like this? He never did this ever or even when Nora or you moved out."

"It's probably because Nora is moving, I moved out, you moved out, and now Lorraine is moving to New York. He's upset that people are leaving and that they are gonna keep leaving."

"I guess you're right." Abby said, "I really don't wanna do the cup."

"It might be fun."

She sat there for a second and thought.



Abby sat in the living room with her family. She was playing a board game with the twins, Kyle and Nigel. Nora was slamming her fist on the bathroom door because Sarah was taking too long. Sarah stuck her head outside the door and asked for someone.

"I need Abby or Lorraine."

Abby got up and hurried towards the bathroom before Lorraine could. She knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey. How's it going?" Abby asked.

"Eliot asked me out, and, um... I'm kinda new to the whole dating thing, so... Are you gonna make me beg?"

"Maybe. Sit down."

Abby sat her younger sister down in front of her.

"Let's start with your makeup."

"Um, Abby... thanks."

"You're welcome."

Abby pulled lipstick out of Lorraine's makeup bag and started to put it on Sarah's lips.

"Pink? Can't we do, like, a skin color?" Sarah asked.

"It looks good."

Abby helped Sarah to find an outfit after her makeup was done. She hurried outside to warn her family not to mess with Sarah.

"Hey, guy. Guys! I need everybody's attention. Sarah's about to come downstairs and she's going on her date tonight. She looks a little different, okay? So I would really appreciate it if you guys could give her the respect that you never gave me or Lorraine, all right? And not ridicule her style choices before she enters the world of multi-gender interaction. Okay, so go about your little chores and act completely natural.

Abby went and sat next to Charlie. Sarah walked out a few seconds later. She looked beautiful.

"Who knew you could do that." Charlie joked to Abby.

"Hey, I know a thing or two about makeup."

They all watched Sarah run over to Jimmy's car.


~ The Next Morning ~


Abby helped Kate make breakfast for the kids after Tom and the twins left, They heard a loud crash come from the living room. The kids pulled a flag out of the wall from former cup years.

"Who wants to go compete in the Cup?" Abby asked.

The kids started to cheer and went to get changed. Abby helped the younger kids pin paper numbers on their chests. The kids piled into the cars outside and started heading towards the game. There was honking and cheering coming from the family as they pulled up.

"Hey Murtaugh! This is our year!!" Tom shouted.

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