Chapter 4 | Yeah Not Gonna Happen

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I walked inside my house with Zac behind me. We were both sweaty from practice.

"Dad's covering it with the machines!"

9 Baker kids came running past us.

"Go, go, go!" They all yelled.

"Um, should I go?" Zac asked.

"Yes, you should."

"Sarah Baker!" I glared at her.

"You don't have to," I told Zac.

Then his phone started to ring. He held it up and frowned.

"Probably should answer your Mom." I gave him a small smile.

" I gave him a small smile

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"Hey, Mom... I'm gonna have dinner with Abby and the Bakers... but why can't I just miss one?... Fine."

He looks at me with a sad face hanging up.

"Troy have a game?" I asked.

"Yup and no one told me."

"It's fine if you can't stay plus I forgot we have to take family pictures and I probably have to deal with whatever is going on."

"Alright, love you."


"Bye." He said kissing me on the cheek.

Just when he closed the door I heard yelling.

"We're gonna move!" I heard Mike yell.

Then crashing. They must have dropped him down the laundry shoot. All 9 kids came running through the room towards the stairs to get changed for the pictures.

"What did I miss?" Charlie asked coming in through the front door.

"Apparently we're moving and we need to get changed."

"So an average day?"


We both headed towards our rooms to get changed for our Christmas card picture.

"Okay, everybody, you know the drill. On three, you give me a big cheese." Dad smiled to show us how it was done.

Everyone glared at him and Mom. Jake came and sat down joining the rest of us.

"Jake, do you have to wear black?" Mom asked.

"Black works, Mom. Jesus, like, has his funeral on Christmas." Lorraine sassed.

"He died on Easter, Barbie," Henry shouted.


"He was resurrected on Easter, moron," I said.

"Be quiet." Lorraine sassed me.

I pushed her head.

"Don't touch me!" She cried

We all started to fight with each other and push each other around.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's all the fighting about?" Dad asked.

"Exactly when did you plan on telling us about moving?" I sassed at Dad.

Mom and Dad sat us all down in the living room. Jessica was sitting on my lap while I was next to Charlie, and Kim was on his lap.

"I'm not moving!" Charlie shouted.

"I'm not moving either." I joined in.

"l'm not moving." All the other kids started to shout.

"Charlie and Abby, Evanston is only four hours away."

"Zac and Beth can come and visit."

"This isn't just about Zac, Mom."

I could care less about Beth.

"My whole life is here at Midland." I wanted to cry.

The home phone started to ring and Mom answered it on speaker.


"Hi, Mom."

I rolled my eyes, she only decides to care about us now.

"Hi, Nora. You're on speaker."

"Hi, everybody. Hank says hi too. So, you guys are thinking about moving up here?" Nora asks.

"Yeah. You got room in that new apartment for your big old family?"

"Just big enough for two, Dad. How's your book going, Mom?" She asked changing the subject.

"Actually, l just sent it to a friend who's in publishing, so we'll see."

"Could we stay on subject, please?" Sarah butted in.

"Beans's mother's buried here." Mark said. "l'm not splitting them up. They're family."

"We can build a fancy new memorial to Pork in our new yard."

"Yeah, like we could afford that." Sarah scoffed.

"Actually, we can. l'll be making enough money to do that, Lorraine and Abby get you out of hand-me-downs get Jake those new skates, and get that new car we've been saving for."

"But l have friends here!" Kim and Jessica started to say.

"Honey, you'll keep in touch. And you can make new friends."

We all started to shout our complaints. Mine was that I don't want to leave Zac, my friends, my hockey team, and the theater.

"Quiet!" Dad shouted over his megaphone.

"Now, look, l know you're all scared. Moving is a big deal. We're very comfortable here. l get that, and that's why l turned down a lot of other coaching offers through the years. But this is a job l wanted since we left Chicago. And, in fact, it's more than a job to me. Um, this is my team... and it's my colors and it's, um... the Stallions. And they're finally calling my number. And l want you to take this risk with me, because if you do... l promise you, we will be... a happier and stronger family."

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise."

"I would feel happier and stronger if we voted on it." Jessica yelled.

"Yeah, definitely."

"We should vote."

"That's the only way to make it fair."

"lt's the only way to do it."

"All right, we can vote," Dad said "But in the end, your mother and l are gonna do what we think is best for the family."

"What's the point of even voting?" Kim said.

"l'm out."

"Let's get out of here."

"lt's not even worth it."

We all got up and left. I followed Charlie to his room. He jumped onto his bed while I leaned on the door frame.

"I don't wanna move." He said.

"Yeah same, can you help me with math homework?" I asked.


I went to my room across the hall and grabbed my binder, pencil, and calculator. I sat on Charlie's bed and he started to help me with my homework.

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