Chapter 13 | Siblings

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Abby ran for what felt like hours. She ran to the train station and looked for the train headed towards Midland. Last train of the night was about to leave for Midland. Abby used her sports skills to dodge people so she could make the train. She got on and slowly looked around for Mark.

There he was. The little redhead himself, wearing his bucket hat and holding an orange shoe box marked "Beans".

"Abby?" He asked when he spotted Abby.

"Hey, buddy." She said, hugging him, "why did you leave?"

"Mom and Dad said we'd be happier. They didn't keep their promise."

Mark was right and Abby knew it.

"I'm sorry. I should've been a better sister with everything happening."

They sat in silence all the way to their train stop.


~ Morning ~


Abby and Mark climbed off the train.

"Mom!" Mark yelled and went running as Kate, Tom, and the rest of the kids came running around the corner.

"You are crazy, but you found him." Charlie told Abby.

He gave his younger sister a side hug. Charlie held his arm around Abby after they hugged.

"Do that again, l'm going to have to pound you." Said Sarah.

"But i thought l was FedEx." Mark told them.

"Your eccentricities and vision problems are genetic traits that could be attributed to any number of the Baker ancestors."

"Alright, Kim." Said Abby.

"Yeah. Without you, we wouldn't be the 13 Bakers anymore. We'd be like 12."

"l figured everybody hated me like Abby and Lorraine hate each other."

"Mark, there are times when l want to kill Lorraine, but l'd kill for her all the time. We don't always get along but we still love each other."


~ Few Days Later ~


"Charlie?" Abby said, knocking on his bedroom door.


"Ready to go?" She asked.


"Can I have your hoodie?"


Charlie handed Abby her favorite hoodie of his and she put it on. The two of them started walking down the stairs where everyone else was at. The other kids were holding their "WE LOVE THE COACH" sign.

"Let's go!"


The kids all stood on the football field holding their sign waiting for Tom to turn around. When he turned around all the kids threw their signs and started running towards him. Tom hugged all the kids.

 Tom hugged all the kids

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~ Months Later, Christmas ~


"I had my doubts when Mom and Dad moved us from Midland. We are still messy children and there are still 13 of us. It's the number of months Mom's book was on the best-seller list. It's the number of jobs Dad has turned down before he found one closer to home. It's the number of times I think about how thankful I am for my family." Abby wrote in her notebook and closed it.

She walked down the stairs to her family sitting at the table dressed in their Christmas sweaters. Abby took her seat next to Charlie and Mark. They passed food around and Abby helped Mark get the food on his plate.

"Merry Christmas!" Abby yelled.

And with that the chandelier fell on the floor.


A/N ~ Thanks so much for reading! Act II will be posted soon! Don't forget to vote and comment. Stay tuned!

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