Chapter 10 | It's All Falling Apart

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Abby sat in her room pissed at Tom for how he acted.


She smirked knowing Blake was hitting the window.

"Hi." She said, opening up the window.

"Wanna sneak out and go get DQ?"


She opened her window a little more and used the tree as her way to get out. Abby fell at the bottom of the tree with Blake catching her. It was like one of those moments in a movie where time slows down.

"Um, thanks."

"Yeah, yeah, no problem," he says, helping her up.

They start walking towards the street where Blake's car is parked. He opens the passenger door for her.

"Thank you kind sir." She says in a funny British accent.

"You're most welcome," he says, playing along with it.

"Abigail May Baker!"

Abby whips her head around to see her dad rushing out of the house.

"Get in the house now." He says to her.

"And if I don't?" She sasses.


"Make me."

She crosses her arms.

"You have to the count of 3 to get inside."

"Oh I'm so scared."

She pretends to bite on her nails in fear.

"If you don't go inside I will have Charlie come out here and get you."


Tom pulls out his phone and calls Charlie.
"Come outside and get your sister."

Tom hangs up the phone and waits for Charlie. Out walks Charlie who looks like he just woke up. He walks closer to Abby and starts to pick her up.

"No, no, no," she says backing up.

Charlie picks up by her waist and throws her over his shoulder.

"No! Charlie put me down!" She screams while kicking and hitting him.

"Please take her to her room and Blake, she can't hang out."

Tom follows Charlie inside. Charlie carries Abby upstairs to her bedroom and closes the door.

"Why, Abby?" He asks.

"Why not?"

"Seriously, Abs. You have been out of control. You never act like this when mom is around."

"That's because it's Mom."

"You shouldn't be acting like this. Dad is trying his best."

"Oh so now I get in trouble for things?!"

"You run off every night to go see your loser girlfriend, you are rude to Henry who looks up to you and you can't freaking stand up for yourself against the school bully."

"I'm done with you, Abby." He says.

He slams the door shut.

"I absolutely hate you! You are the worst brother in the whole world!" She screams.

He opens the door back up with her standing there about to be in tears.

"You're right! I am the worst brother in the whole world so you're the worst sister in the whole world!"

"Good! I hate you!"

"Glad we're on the same page!"

He slams the door shut again.

What did she just do?

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