Chapter 3 | Camping

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"Blake!" Abby yelled, pulling up to the dock near the public beach.

"Don't bother me! I'm on duty!"


"You two are weird," said Charlie.

"Little advice for you, Charlie. Just don't be single and it'll fix this problem," Abby told her older brother.

"Shut up, I'm gonna drown you in the lake."

"Please don't because that will be a lot of paperwork." Blake said.

"Okay, I better take this loser back to where he came from." Abby said, slapping her brother on the back.


"Learn to take it, you big baby."

"Aren't older siblings supposed to bully younger siblings, not the other way around?" Charlie said.



~ Lunch Time ~


"Dad, what are you doing?" Abby asked, noticing her Dad setting up tents.

"We are all going to sleep outside."

"Yeah, no. Everyone will end up inside or at my place."

"Come on Abbs. Just sleep outside with us."

"I'm gonna go to my place and enjoy my nice warm bed."

"They will be sleeping outside." Tom tried to convince her.

"They won't. Anyway see y'all later for dinner. I'm on duty in 20."

"Okay," Tom kissed his daughter on the forehead before she left.


~ Dinner ~


"Hey everyone!" Abby yelled, pulling up to the house in her car.

Blake was in the passenger seat since Abby loved to drive. They both got out and joined the Baker's around the fire.

"Hey, Abby." Nora said.

"Hey. How's the baby?"

"Good, they'll be here soon."

"You should name them after someone."

"Maybe, I'll have to talk it over with Bud."


"Here," Charlie handed Abby a s'more he made.

"Did you burn this?" She asked.

"Yes, completely burned. I just wanted to be nice and give you one."

"Okay, thanks. Enjoy sleeping outside or you can come with me to our place." Abby said, biting into her s'more.

"I might have to take you up on that."

"We have a guest room but don't bring Lorraine."

"Why do you two not get along?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know. We never have."

"Hey, what if we sing a camp song?!" Tom asked all the kids.

The kids all started singing except for Blake and Abby, they just sat there in absolute shock.

"No way this is actually happening," Abby whispered to Blake.

After sometime the kids went to bed and so did their parents. Charlie left with Abby and Blake after everyone went to bed. Abby and Blake's rental was nice. Since Jimmy owned the property it was renovated and very nice. Blake played Xbox with Charlie for a while while Abby used her crappy computer that died every 20 minutes.

"This computer is crap." She said.

"Did it die again?" Blake asked, not looking up from his game.

"Yup, also Charlie. Dad is trying way too hard on this vacation. Next he's gonna do that stupid Olympic thing."

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