Chapter 5 | Vacation Nightmare

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~ Next Morning ~


"Hey, guys." Abby awkwardly said as she walked towards the picnic table where Charlie and Anne were sitting.

"Hey, Abbs," Charlie said.

"I thought I was the only person who came here."

"So did we." Anne told her.

"Why are you here?" Charlie asked his sister.

"I needed to think"

She sat down next to Charlie. Anne had her sketchbook out and was drawing someone.

"So, Abby. What are you planning on doing after the summer?" Anne asked.

"Most likely going back to college and becoming a nurse."

"Are you gonna stay near home like your big brother?"

"I'm gonna try and be close but it just depends."


Abby was getting uncomfortable with all the questions.


"Anne, I think that's enough questions." Charlie said, he noticed how uncomfortable Abby was getting.

"How are mom and dad?" Abby asked.

"Fighting per usual."

"Sometimes I question how they are still married. Anyway, Charlie, do you want a ride back to the house?"

"That would be great."

Charlie stood up and started to follow Abby.

"See ya later, Anne." Charlie said.


Once Abby and Charlie reached her car she looked over at him with a disgusted look.

"I hate her. I don't know what you ever saw in her."

"Abby. Don't say that."

"Whatever, you can walk back."

She climbed in her car. Charlie got in too.

"I told you to walk."

"Too bad. Plus, you love me."

She rolled her eyes at him, "you are annoying."

Abby drove him back to the house and dropped him off before her parents could see her.


~ The Next Day ~


"Hey everyone."

"Run while you still can." Jake told Abby.

She was very confused as she got out of her car. Abby noticed all the kids lined up doing jumping jacks.

"Oh shit." She said under her breath.

The Baker kids were preparing for the Labor Day Cup and the kids were dropping like flies. Abby quickly hurried inside to where her Mom was.

"I'm not participating in the Cup," Abby told Kate.

"Just please do it for your Dad."

"Mom, I don't wanna do something that makes everyone miserable."

"Just consider it."


"Hey, Abbs." Charlie said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey. Are you doing the Cup?"

"I don't know yet."

"Please, both of you do it," Kate told the two.

"I'll do it if Charlie does."

Abby glanced at her older brother.

"Hey, Abby." Tom said coming into the kitchen.

"Hi, Dad."

"Are you staying for dinner?" He asked.

"Sure and I'm not sure if my schedule will allow me to do the Cup."

"Please figure it out. I need all the kids I can get."

"I'll let you know," Abby said as she slowly backed out of the kitchen.

Abby bumped into Nora.



They're interaction was weird because they hadn't really interacted since before Nora moved out.

"How's the baby?" Abby asked.

"It's good. How's your boyfriend?"

"He's good."

"Okay, I have to go." They both said and hurried off.

Abby decided to go back into the kitchen and help Kate prepare dinner. Her and Charlie carried plates outside to the table.


"I really love having a family dinner where all you can hear is forks hitting the plates." Tom said.

"You know, this could be our last chance together and you're totally ruining it. I'm glad we're moving to Houston. And so is lron Mike or Donna Baker Butkus McNulty." Nora grabbed Bud's hand and stormed off.

All the other kids followed except for Abby. Abby glared at Tom.

"What did I do?"

"Dad, you're making everyone miserable. Can't you see. The kids don't wanna compete anymore because it's not fun for them."


"No, Dad. I'm not competing."

She stormed off to go find Charlie. Abby flopped onto his bed where he was sitting.

"This vacation is a literal nightmare."

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