Chapter 2 | Jimmy and Decks

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~ Country Club, Lake Winnetka ~


"Hi, mama," Abby said, walking up behind her mom.

Her parents were standing with the Murtaughs.

"There's my super-star lifeguard. Did you know she's the best lifeguard in this area?" Jimmy Murtaugh told Tom and Kate.

"Hi, Mr. Murtaugh."

"I had no idea she was the best," Tom said.

"So dad, how's the house?" Abby asked.

"Good, same as it was years ago. Ya know, you are allowed to come stay with us."

"I know but me and Blake are currently renting a place and staying there."

"Speaking of Blake, where is he, honey?" Kate asked her daughter.

"I think he is with Jake and Sarah, teaching them some skateboarding stuff."

All the adults watched Mark's bag set on fire and launch off fireworks.

"I'll be back."

Abby found Blake and they started to help clean up the mess that her siblings had made.

"This is basically Baker's tradition. Be somewhere for less than 28 hours and make a huge mess."

"Babe, it's okay. We'll clean this up and they won't do anything else to damage the place."

She grabbed an empty tray and started to carry it inside with Blake following her. Abby saw her siblings sitting on the couches.

"Listen to me," she said, coming up to the kids, "this isn't home so you can't make messes. Whatever messes you make comes out of my paycheck so don't make messes."


Blake grabbed her hand and started to pull her away.

"Mr. Murtaugh, I'm so sorry." She told him.

"It's fine, I'll pay for the damage. Have a good night."


~ Next Day ~


Abby showed up at her family's place for breakfast the next day.


The kids were all half asleep on the porch.

"Hi, Honey. Don't you have work?" Kate asked.

"No, I'm off today but Blake has to work."

"Sad he won't be joining us."

Abby grabbed a waffle and ate it with her hands. Charlie and Lorraine pulled up and got out.


Abby hugged her brother and smiled at her sister.

"We're gonna need a forklift to get Lorraine's suitcase outta here."

"What have I been here, 30 seconds, and you're already making fun of me?"

"Perks of being your older sister."

Later that morning Abby saw Charlie staring at something so she used it as an opportunity to prank him. She ran up behind him while he was standing on the dock. Abby pushed him not expecting the dock railing to completely brake and him to fall in. She couldn't stop laughing.

"Haha, laugh it up now." Charlie said.

"Whatever. Wanna go on a jet ski ride and visit Blake with me?" She asked Charlie.

"Yeah, let me change first."

Abby impatiently waited for Charlie to come back outside. Once he was back they got on the jet ski and headed towards where Blake was.

This was gonna be a nice vacation.

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