Chapter 4 | The Boulders

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"Welcome to the Boulders." Sarina said, opening her arms at the bottom of the Murtaugh's steps.


"This is gonna be rough." Abby whispered to Charlie.


The family awkwardly followed behind the Murtaughs into the house.

Charlie and Abby stood out on the Murtaugh's deck trying to avoid Jimmy and Tom.

"Superstar, do me a favor. Take this to the cellar and bring a bottle of Taittinger."

Jimmy's oldest daughter Anne followed his instructions.

"I'll help you." Charlie said and set his drink on the balcony.


Charlie followed Anne, leaving Abby alone on the deck. Sadly Blake had to work so he couldn't make it. Abby took Charlie's drink and chugged it.

Maybe it will help with this lovely night.

It just so happened that the drink had some alcohol in it so Abby felt good.

"Hey kids, it's time to eat." Jimmy told them.

Abby sat at the table next to Charlie and Jimmy's oldest son Calvin. Calvin had always had a crush on Abby but Abby did not.

"So, Abby. How's your boyfriend?"

He always asked this question expecting her to say that they broke up.

"Um, good."


"What the hell?" Abby whispered to Charlie.

"Well he's always liked you probably because you're cute." Charlie told her.

"Shut up."

There was giggling at the table and Gunner went running under the table.

"Gunner!" Abby screamed.

He ruined the whole table and went after Tom's chair. Tom battled Gunner on the floor for the seat cushion that had meat in it. The meat got thrown to Henry and Gunner jumped on the table. Henry threw the meat which landed in Tom's hands. Gunner came out from under the table and jumped on both the Dad's, sending them flying over the railing into the lake.

"Oh my god."

They all instantly were walked out of the Murtaugh's house. Abby got in her car and drove back to her place.


"Blake. It was crazy! They cause damage everywhere they go!"

"I'm sure it's not that bad."

"It's bad. You saw what they did to the country club." She said.

"Yeah I know."

"They are monsters."


"Like literal monsters."

She kept ranting. Blake kissed her so she stopped.

"They are not monsters. They are your siblings that cause chaos."

"Yeah yeah."

"Speaking of your family, when do we see them next?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. Why?"

"No reason."

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