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《Catch Stock³》

"So what now?" Jisoo asked as they met back on the main floor, fighting and killing any guards that came their way.

"We're too outnumbered to fight! Glitch, can you shut off the lockdown?" Seungkwan asked.

"I can, but it'll take ages from how far away we are. I'll have to travel your way." Vernon's auto voice said.

"We're nearly 2 hours away from base! What are we supposed to do until then?!" Wonwoo asked.

"Omg, I have an idea!" Jun declared as they all turned to look at him. "Hide and seek!" He said.

"Welp we're going to fucking die." Woozi declared as Mingyu jammed the older in the side.
"Oh shush it can work!" Mingyu pointed out.

"Well then you 2 can be in charge for this! Plan away!" Seungcheol said as Jun and Mingyu looked at eachother briefly before nodding.

"Did they just read eachothers mind?" Wonwoo asked as Dino nodded.

"Toxin, Charmer, Eo, Venom and Cash, your with me, and we're hiders." Jun said as the 6 of them took their own briefcase.

(Jun, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, The8, Dino, Woozi.)

"And then, Atlantis, Riot, Claws, Purge and Freeze your with me, we'll take care of the guards and buy us some times." Mingyu said.

(Mingyu, Joshua, Dk, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Seungkwan)

The 12 split up as the hiders ran off to try and find a good hiding spot. "I hate running." Jeonghan whined as he ran up the staircase on the far left side of the building,

He found an abandoned storage room as he shut the door in on himself, leaving him in the pitch black. "I also hate the dark." He groaned.

Seungcheol was stalking around on the staircase when he heard a round of gunshots above him. "Shit." Seungcheol cursed. He'd have to go back down the way he came. He he looked up to see Wonwoo at the door above him, his back pressed against it.

The 2 made eye contact before Wonwoo swapped his gun over to the automatic firearm. Getting the hint, Seungcheol nodded and braced himself to run down the stairs.

Wonwoo swung the door open as loud shots ran through the air, loud and distracting enough for Seungcheol to run off.

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