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《Character Chronicles¹⁴》《Venom》

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《Character Chronicles¹⁴》

《Maybe there is a little bit of hero in me after all》

After his 2 week vacation with Changbin, (which Dino absoulutley loved) Dino had tempoarily moved back into his family house with Haechan so the 2 could spend some time togther since Dino was in Japan for so long.

But what was supposed to be a month long visit, turned into Dino staying with his brother and frankly off the grid for the remainder of their 6 month break.

And while Dino is glad to have this special time with Haechan, it did bring back alot of memories, some good and some bad.

First off, Dino's parents only came by once during those 6 months, and that was only for a small sliver of the afternoon, and they were gone before the 2 even woke up the next day.

Oh well, at least they got to have one somewhat normal family dinner.

That was another thing, it was defintly hard for them to all be togther and pretend everything is normal after the death of Taeyong.

That was also partially the reason Dino went off the grid from his team members. Because, being at his family house reminded him so much of Taeyong.

And just how much he missed him.

But these 6 months allowed him to properly mourn the loss of his brother, without the need for revenge fueling him to push those sad thoughts away.

"Di, he's not going to rise from the ashes, he's not a phoneix." Haechan said softly, realizing his brother had been staring at the fireplace, lost in thought. 

"What do you think he'd say?" Dino asked honsetly. "That we joined the mafia, that we became what we vowed to destroy."

"I don't know. He'd probaly lecture us for doing something dangerous, despite all the shady shit Taeyong did." Haechan said.

"And I think he would want us to not blame ourselves for what happened, and not let the past lead our future anymore. Start making decisions for us." He added.

The fire sparked alive at the statement, like Taeyong had heard them, and was agreeing.

"I think you are right." Dino said as he pulled his little brother into a hug.

"Ofcourse I am." Haechan smiled. "Now come on, lets order pizza and watch a movie!" He said.

"It's like you read my mind!" Dino smiled back.

《Seventeen: Lee Chan》

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