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Everything I've ever let go of, has claw marks

Everything I've ever let go of, has claw marks

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《Position: Stunts》

Hoshi was sold into the circus by his aunt and uncle who couldn't afford to take care of a baby when Hoshi's family died.

However the ringmaster Hoshi was sold too was abusive, treated him worse than the tigers he was forced to sleep with at night.

During the day he was forced to follow the ringmaster around and do his duties, whether it be testing out props and acts, or cleaning up after the animals.

Hoshi was surely skilled, but not like the trapeze artist, so whenever he was forced to demonstrate an act, he would end up falling from great heights. And there was definitely no safety nets when he practiced.

One night after a show the ringmaster barged into the room where his cage was and demanded he gets up. "There are 2 men here that offered me a pretty stack of cash to take you off my hands." The man smirked.

"Come on in men!" The ringmaster and in walked 2 men in suits, one with jet black hair, the shorter one with black hair and pink bangs.

"He'll do." The one with pink bangs said coldly, his tone not matching his cute appearance. "Lets talk price and what time we can get him out of here." He said leading the ring master out of the room.

Before the taller left he slid something across the floor and it landed infront of Hoshi. "Wait 1 minute." He mouthed to Hoshi before leaving the room.

It was an earpiece, Hoshi counted down from a minute before putting it in. "Hello?" He asked quietly.

"I don't have much time, my name is Freeze, I'm friends of the 2 men who just came in, we are gonna get you out of here. Your ringmaster has just been killed and the guards have been alerted." Freeze explained.

"The key to the cage is under the 3rd lions paw. When I finish talking you have 35 seconds to get out of that cage and out the left wing exit. The guards are coming from the right."

"There is a bomb on the side of the building that will go in 55 seconds. Get outside and as far away as you can. You're time starts now." Freeze said as Hoshi scrambled to grab the key and unlock the cage.

Hoshi has never run so fast before, every muscle in his body was screaming as he sprinted for his life down the left wing exit.

Only to find the one door he had left, was locked. He was running out of time, he had to get out of here. His only way out was up.

Taking the closest emergency exit, he ran to the rooftop and saw a banner connected to a thick lamp post.

He quickly untied the rope from the roof and swung down, mentally cursing as his body collided with the lamp post.

He jumped down to the ground just as the building exploded, which was cue for him to keep running. He ran and ran and ran until he saw the same 2 men in suits.

"Welcome out Hoshi, my name is Toxin, but you can call me Seungcheol."

March For Mercy 《Seventeen》Where stories live. Discover now