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《Bad Clue⁴》

Woozi sneaked around to the main entrance of the piano hall, as he watched the other male attach the device to the line of pianos on the stage

Woozi grabbed a throwing knife, ready to nail that man down once and for all. But hesitated when a familiar melody filled his ears.

The male had started playing the piano, switching from one piano to the next without missing a single beat.

The melody distracted Woozi away from the device with a countdown, so when he finished his tune, the pianos erupted into flames that began to spread throughout the hall.

"Enjoy the show?" The male called out as he hopped onto the center piano and bowed in Woozi's direction.

"What?" Woozi asked in shock.

"What?" The male mocked as he adjusted his mask and jumped off the piano and run through the fire, disappearing into the flames.

"Shit!" Woozi curses as he pulled the fire alarm, hoping the sprinklers would go off soon. He ran through the auditorium aisleway after the male.

The fire and smoke burned his eyes and lungs as he tried to follow after the male through the wings.

However, the fire was strong, Woozi felt lightheaded as it got harder and walk, the soles of his feet burning with every step.

"SMALL FIRE! I said a small fire!" The strict voice yelled at his teammates. "This is not a small fire!" He yelled.

"SORRY!" The other voice yelled as he healed their unconscious teammate. "Some group of people evacuated all the guests out so I'd say mission accomplished!" He added.

Until they heard a loud thump from behind them. "Welp that didnt sound like all the people have been evacuated." The strict voice sighed.

He hesitated walking back into the fire to save this potential person, but his gut told him it was the right thing to do.

"Why am I not suprised." The male said as he recognized Woozi as the person who followed him into the piano hall.

He grabbed Woozi and picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the fire and out of the museum.

He left the unconscious male outside on the grassy lawn on the side of the building and lit a flare to alert someone's attention.

"Okay is everyone alright?" Seungcheol asked as they met back outside the museum as they waited for the fire department to arrive.

"Lets do a headcount. 1" Seungcheol counted off.

"2." Jeonghan said, his arm still linked around Seungcheol's.

"3" Joshua called

"4." Jun said

"5" Hoshi said

"6." Wonwoo called.

They all waited for the number 7 to be called out, but it never came.

"Where is Cash?!" Jeonghan asked as they all looked around frantically for Woozi.

"SHIT IS HE STILL INSIDE?!" Hoshi yelled, throwing his jacket off, ready to run inside (similar criminals callback anyone?)

"Woah hold your ass Mr. Hero, let's see if Glitch can locate him before we go running into fire." The8 said as they began to surround the building.

"Glitch. Any idea where Cash is?" Seungcheol said into his earpiece.

"Left side of the building, someone carried him out." ODE said as the rest of the members made a run for that location.

They managed to spot the flare pretty quickly. "That's him!" The8 said, doing a pretty dramatic and seemingly impossible slide over to Woozi unconscious body.

"He's okay, just unconscious." Mingyu said. "He also seems burned on his arms and defiantly on his feet." Mingyu addressed.

"Where on earth are his shoes?" Joshua asked before noticing, Dk didn't have his shoes. "Where are your shoes?!- you know, I don't even wanna know." Joshua sighed.

"Lets get him home, I can't really treat him out here." Mingyu said as he picked up Woozi and carried him back to the van.

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