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《Knowing you³》

Hoshi nervously tugged at the hem of his shirt, determined to look his absolute best for meeting his cousin. 2 weeks ago, Hoshi reached out to Jooheon and explained he was his "long lost cousin." And asked if it was possible to meet up.

Jooheon immediately contacted back and was in absolute shock that Hoshi was reaching out to him but was thrilled nonetheless and agreed to meet up.

"Thank you for coming with me, Ji." Hoshi said as he grabbed the other's hand tightly in his.

"I'm only here for the coffee and so you don't get lost on the bus -" Woozi tried to deny, his flushed cheeks saying otherwise, though.

"Even then, it means the world to me." Hoshi said as they approached the coffee shop. "Can you open the door for me? I don't think I can." Hoshi admitted.

"Of course I can." Woozi said as he opened the door. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise." Woozi said as they walked in.

Hoshi looked around, hoping to easily spot Jooheon off the description the older one gave of his appearance.

"I think that's him over there." Woozi pointed to a male with platinum white hair, just like Jooheon described.

Jooheon spotted them and excitedly waved to Hoshi and Woozi. "Hi." Jooheon smiled.

"Hi Jooheon. It's nice to meet you." Hoshi held his hand out respectfully.

"Oh please call me Joohoney." Joohoney said happily as he held his arms out. "Do you mind if we hug?" He asked.

Hoshi nodded as he basically jumped into his cousins arms. "I'm so happy I found you." Joohoney whispered as he hugged Hoshi tightly.

"Wow, you really look like me." Joohoney said as they pulled apart. "Yeah... that's crazy." Hoshi said, the 2 looked REALLY similar.

"Well, in case you didn't know, our mothers and our aunt were triplets." Joohoney explained as the 2 sat down. "Also, this is my boyfriend Changkyun." Joohoney introduced.

"And this is Woozi. He's my support charm." Hoshi introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys." Woozi smiled.

"Likewise." Changkyun smiled. He had pitch black hair with purple highlights.

"So Hoshi, where have you been all this time?" Joohoney asks.

"The circus actually, I was apparently sold into it when my parents died. And I spent the past 26ish years there." Hoshi admitted.

"The circus?!" Joohoney and Changkyun said in shock.

"Yes, but the building had caught on fire a little over 9 months ago, so I was able to escape. Now I live with Woozi and our other friends." Hoshi gave a small smile.

"Jesus christ." Joohoney sighed. "Okay, truth be told, our mothers and aunts don't talk. Your mother ran off with her older boyfriend when she was 18, and the family never heard from her again." Joohoney admitted.

"I figured no one would've been able to get ahold of her." Hoshi admitted sadly.

"Well, apparently, our aunt did when they died." Joohoney sighed

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