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The house was calm that Sunday night, all the members in their rooms or doing their own things. Seungcheol sighed in content as he shut his bedroom door as quietly as possible.

He slowly sneaked down the hallway to Jeonghan's room and softly knocked on the door. "Hi." Jeonghan whispered, a happy smile on his face as he stepped out of his room.

"Let's get out of here" Seungcheol suggested, tucking a strand of hair behind Jeonghan's ear.

"Absolutely." Jeonghan smiled at the sudden request. "Should I pack a suitcase?" Jeonghan asked as Seungcheol nodded.

"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs in 5."

"Let's get going." Seungcheol smiled as he intertwined his fingers with Jeonghan's once he met him downstairs, both headed for the front door, suitcase in hand.

Their date night just turned into a date week.

Seungcheol had booked a room at a hotel and planed a dinner during sunset.

And they planned to go completely off the grid.

So until they returned next Sunday night, Charmer and Toxin were put on "temporary leave."

This week they were simply Jeonghan and Seungcheol.

Seungcheol had put Woozi and Hoshi in charge of any upcoming missions while he's away.

Because god-forbid Minhyun give the rest of them a break, but also Seungcheol wasn't worried,  the others could survive 1 week on their own.

"I am so glad we decided to do this." Jeonghan smiled as they sat in the back of the bus they caught. "It'll be nice to get away from work." Jeonghan added as he leaned his head on Seungcheol's shoulder.

"A weekend with you all to myself, I must have saved the world in my last life to be able to deserve this." Seungcheol teased as Jeonghan chuckled lightly.

"Oh shut up." Jeonghan rolled his eyes as Seungcheol took the youngers hand and placed a kiss on Jeonghan's knuckles.

March For Mercy 《Seventeen》Where stories live. Discover now