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《Up and Out》

10 minutes later into the van ride home, both Jeonghan and Joshua were passed out. Joshua only remembers waking up once briefly, back in his room, Dk and Seungkwan cuddled up on either side of him.

Jeonghan didn't even wake up till late afternoon the next day. "Ugh what day is it?" Jeonghan groaned as he sat up in bed.

"Its almost Sunday night." Woozi said as he handed Jeonghan a glass of water.

"What happened while I was out?" Jeonghan asked before taking a long sip of water, glad to drink something that wasn't heavily salted.

"Not much." Woozi shrugged.

"Wait where is Seungcheol though?" Jeonghan asked, recalling Joshua saying the leader seemed in a rush.

"Seungcheol... he's actually in Dino's room still." Woozi said checking the time.

"Why?" Jeonghan asked, recalling the fact the youngest member still avoided the older 90% of the time.

"Shortly after you and Joshua left, Dino went out for a walk with The8 but they heared some sketchy shit at a river construction sight and like dumb-asses, they decided to check it out." Woozi explained.

"Turns out it was some stupid drug gang meeting, and the 2 of them got caught... Dino ended up with a pretty bad stab wound." Woozi said.

"Dino got stabbed?!" Jeonghan gasped.

"Yeah thankfully Mingyu was able to stich him up, but the painkillers kept wearing off so Seungcheol hit him with a sleeping drug. He'll be out for the rest of the night." Woozi said.

"I'm going to see him." Jeonghan declared as he threw off his bed covers and slowly, but surely dragged himself out of bed and towards Dino's room.

He slowly opened the door to see Seungcheol sitting on a chair at the side of Dino's bed. "Hannie-" Seungcheol breathed out happily.

"Hey." Jeonghan sighed as he joined Seungcheol at the side of Dino's bed.

"How are you? Did you just wake up?" Seungcheol asked, using his other hand to tuck a strand of hair behind Jeonghan's ear.

"I'm okay, how are you?" Jeonghan asked as he leaned into Seungcheol's touch.

"I'm okay." Seungcheol responded as he caressed Jeonghan's cheek with his thumb. "Do you wanna sit down?" He asked, motioning to his lap.

"Sure, why not." Jeonghan playfully rolled his eyes as he sat down, Seungcheol wrapping his arm around Jeonghan's waist.

"So he's out?" Jeonghan asked, pointing to Dino, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Yeah, it'll be awhile before he wakes back up- though he won't let go of my hand." Seungcheol said motioning to his left hand, that Dino was gripping onto tightly.

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