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"As I said, I need it ASAP" Yeji said sternly to one of her employees. She needs the reports as soon as possible but the employee hadn't finished it yet.

"But m-miss...."

"Shush it! I want you to accomplish it by 8pm today and if you don't you'll be staying here until you're done. Do you understand?" Yeji asked and raised a brow

Her employee, being afraid just nodded and left the office immediately. 

"Stupid employees, might as well fire them soon" Yeji groaned and went back to her desk. She looks at her other desk which was for her blueprints. She was both a CEO and architect so her work is probably too much.

She was about to sit down when she heard the door of her office open.

"You should better stick on being an architect" she heard and the familiar voice just made her groan

"Not now Hyunjin" Yeji said annoyed

"Seriously, it's like it's not you anymore" Hyunjin said

"What do you mean?" Yeji asked and looked at him

Hyunjin panicked a little, he was kind of nervous to tell it to Yeji

"N-nothing" Hyunjin said and Yeji just rolled her eyes on him

"By the way, why was mom crying yesterday? I saw the two of you in her room" Yeji said

"Oh..." Hyunjin muttered


"Mom, stop crying" Hyunjin said worriedly to their mother

"I... it's just hard Hyunjin. I feel so guilty" their mother sobbed

"Mom it wasn't your fault, you shouldn't be guilty. The one who should be guilty is dad, it was his fault" Hyunjin said

"But still, then Yeji would've known everything, she might be better off with a life she wanted" Mrs. Hwang sobbed, this caused Hyunjin to worry more. He knew everything, everything that caused their family to be in chaos. It was all because of his father, their father ruined everything, how they live and especially Yeji's life.

"Yeji would wanted that life" Hyunjin said and sighed

End of flashback....

"It was nothing, just mom and dad arguing again" Hyunjin lied and Yeji just nodded

"Anyways, think about it Yeji, you should focus on just being an architect, it will help you lessen your stress" Hyunjin said

"I'm not sure Hyunjin, dad gave me this company for me to handle" Yeji said

"Then tell him you're having a hard time, you can't always say yes to whatever dad says." Hyunjin said which made Yeji sigh

"He trusts me a lot and I don't want to fail him" Yeji said and Hyunjin just nodded

He just hates it when his sister doesn't have anything else to do against their father, she would always follow and obey his orders which sickens him.

"Suit yourself, I'll be on my way now. Just checking up on you coz mom said so" Hyunjin said and then left Yeji's office, leaving his sister thinking about her final decision.

"I don't know if I should quit or not" Yeji said to herself and suddenly her secretary went in

"Miss Hwang, you have a meeting in thirty minutes" her secretary said

"O-oh... okay I'll be there in a minute" Yeji said in a more softer tone which kind of confused her secretary but nonetheless she nodded and went off.

Yeji prepared herself and went off to her meeting, she hardly focused on it since her mind was clouded by the things her brother told her


Yuna was now in her kindergarten school, she was preparing backstage as her mommy was waiting with the audience, she was actually very excited to perform in front of her mommy.

"I bet Yuna's mom is only there" she heard and then turned around only to see her other classmates there, most specifically the ones who bully her often

"Yeah, coz her dad probably left her" another one said and snickered, it made Yuna sad a bit

"That's not true" Yuna defended, trying to act tough

"Then why don't you have a dad? Your mom is the only one there everytime" her classmates said and this made Yuna tear up, she was already thinking that her other parent really left her.

"Yuna~ it's your turn" she heard her teacher and she quickly went off. She went up on stage, her eyes wandered to find for her mommy and once she spotted Chaeryeong in the audience, she smiled. She also saw her mommy smile so she went on to her performance which is to dance, Chaeryeong was giving her full support, taking a video of her as she danced.

Once she was finished, she went back at the backstage and still the bullies were the waiting for her.

"See, I told you she doesn't have a father" the kid said

"I guess your dad doesn't love you Yuna, maybe he chose another kid other than you" another said and they laughed at Yuna, started mocking and teasing her which caused her to cry.

"Sweetie, you did so good and-" Chaeryeong was cut off when she saw her daughter crying, it made her worry a lot but then she looked at the other kids who looked at her and chuckled. Chaeryeong sighed and then carried the little girl in her arms.

"Miss Lee, leaving so soon?" The teacher asked

"I'm sorry Mrs. Nam but I have to bring Yuna home now" Chaeryeong explained and as soon as the teacher heard Yuna sniff as she was being carried by Chaeryeong, she understood quickly

"Oh sure Miss Lee, you did so well today Yuna dear" she said before letting Chaeryeong and Yuna leave and go home.

"What happened sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked worriedly as they were now both in the car. Well, Felix was gonna drive them home again today but Felix was waiting outside of the car, wanting to give the mother and daughter some privacy

"M-my classmates said I don't have a dad" Yuna sobbed as she looked at her mommy.

"They also said... h-he probably doesn't love me" Yuna added and cried more

"Oh sweetheart, that doesn't matter and you don't have to mind your classmates" Chaeryeong said and kissed her daughter's forehead

"But mommy, don't I really have a dad?" Yuna asked. Chaeryeong was scared to explain the situation to her daughter but she couldn't hide it from her forever right?

"Well sweetheart, you don't have a dad but you have another mom" Chaeryeong said

"Another mom?"

"Mhm, and that's what makes you special" Chaeryeong said with a smile

"So.. where is she? Where's my other mom?" Yuna asked and Chaeryeong kind of panicked but good thing that Felix already got inside of their car

"Uncle Felix, do you know where my other mom is?" Yuna asked and Felix looked at Chaeryeong first, Chaeryeong looked at him worriedly, scared to tell the truth to her daughter

"Well Yuna, your other mom works at a different country and it's hard for her to get back here with us since the law in that country is very strict" Felix explained and Yuna nodded

"I hope to see her one day" Yuna said with a smile

"Soon sweetheart, soon" Chaeryeong said and then Felix drive them off back to the house

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