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Chaeryeong's POV

I sighed, I was able to put Yuna to sleep first. I felt uneasy at the thing we talked about a while ago. It breaks me, knowing that Yuna wouldn't be able to see her other mother. I knew how much she hated this, she didn't want a life like this and I didn't had a choice.

I was interrupted when I heard someone entered the house, I immediately went downstairs to check who it was, much to my relief, it was just my older sister.

"Chaeryeong, I came to visit" I heard her say and I went to the living room where she was.

"Hi unnie" I said and showed her a smile, it wasn't  a sincere one but I hope she doesn't notice.

"Something's wrong?" She asked but I kept mum

"Chaery, you can tell it to me" she told me as she went over to the kitchen, I followed her there

"Well, it was just something with Yuna" I said and she hummed

"She's being bullied at school by her classmates, I wasn't able to talk to her teacher yet" I said

"What was it about anyways?" unnie asked me

"The other kids kept teasing and mocking Yuna. They keep telling her that she doesn't have a father" I said and sighed, this made Chaeyeon unnie look at me

"Really? They said that to her?" she asked and I nodded

"W-what was Yuna's reaction?" she asked also

"Of course she cried, then when we got to the car she asked me about it. Asking if she had a dad, I only told her that she actually has another mom and is working abroad. I can't tell her the truth unnie" I said, feeling myself to tear up upon remembering something

"Oh Chaery" she said softly and hugged me as she caressed my back. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks.

Everytime I remember it, it hurts me more. I'm just to weak but I shouldn't be. I need to be strong for me and Yuna. Yuna is the reason why I kept going.

"Don't think about it much Chaery, I'm sure Yuna won't ask a lot about it" Chaeyeon unnie told me

"I hope so" I said and wiped off my tears

"Why don't you rest first? I'll cook something for you and Yuna and as soon as I'm done, I'll wake up the both of you" she said

"That sounds nice unnie" I said and both of us chuckled

"Go on then, I'll start cooking" she said and I nodded. I thanked her before going up to my own room but I checked on Yuna first. She was sound asleep and I smiled, I'm just happy that I'm able to raise her even when it was very hard at first.


Yeji's POV

I was in my mini office in the house, dad had requested for this to be built since he wanted me to have my own privacy as I do my work at home as well.

I have debated on the things Hyunjin told me and I guess I should focus on being an architect, I mean, that was what I finished back then in college.

"Yeji?" I heard, it was my mom and I stood up.

"Yes mom?" I asked

"Don't you have to go out tomorrow? See Ryujin and Lia at the site?" She asked and I suddenly remembered that I would meet up with them

"Yeah, I almost forgot" I said and sighed

"Are you okay? Something at work happened?" Mom asked

"No, it's just.... I'm thinking if I should just stick in being an architect" I said

"Well, it's your choice sweetheart but of course, I'll support you no matter what" mom said and smiled at me. I was glad that mom was never pushing me to do what I don't want to. Also, she always supports me to the things I do which makes me happy as well.

After that quick talk with mom, she told me to go to bed early so I wouldn't worry on getting up tomorrow to meet up with Ryujin and Lia. Doing as she said, I went to my room and got ready for bed quickly.


"Mommy~" Yuna called for her mother as she was going down the stairs

"Yes sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked softly, she was currently in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Today, they were at their house near the country club and Yuna always loves it when they go there.

"Huggies" Yuna said as she raised her hands and did crabby hands to her mother. Chaeryeong chuckled and lifted up her daughter in her arms and hugged her.

"Me and your Aunt Chaeyeon are preparing breakfast, do you want anything?" Chaeryeong asked but the little girl shook her head. Chaeryeong chuckled, she was happy that Yuna wasn't a very picky eater unlike other kids.

"Can I play outside mommy?" Yuna asked cutely to her mother, of course Chaeryeong couldn't say no to her daughter and she knew it was safe to let kids play outside on their own here in the country club.

"Okay but you'll have to come back as soon as your done or when any of us call you okay?" Chaeryeong reminded and Yuna nodded with a smile

"Go on now sweetheart, be careful" Chaeryeong added and kissed her daughter's cheek before letting her down and run along outside of the house.

Chaeryeong then went off to continue cooking breakfast.

Yeji's POV

I'm now on my way to the address that Ryujin gave me. It was kind of far and not familiar to me but all I know it was an area full of some villas and some summer houses. Probably some country club.

I entered the so called village as the guard let me pass through and I started to drive going to the specific address that was given to me

As I was driving, I got a little panicked because I almost bumped a kid. Really, parents these days don't keep an eye on their kids.

I immediately stopped the car and got down to check on that kid that I almost bumped. Seems like her ball rolled off to the road.

"Yah, you shouldn't be playing by the road" I told the kid, she was a little girl.

"And you shouldn't be in this area" she said as she picks up her ball and looks at me. I was in disbelief, who taught this kid to talk back to elders?

"Excuse me?!" I asked in disbelief and removed my shades off. This kid is about to irritate me.

"See that Miss?" She said and pointed to a sign, not too far from where I just passed by.

"It's a sign that shows kids play here. It means you're not allowed to drive fast. You were the one driving fast going here Miss" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You own this area?" I asked and raised a brow as I leveled myself to her

"Ani, but my mommy is a huge contributor to this country club" she said and suddenly smiled.

Whatever, I don't have to deal with little kids here.

"Whatever kiddo, go back to playing" I said and went back in my car. I backed it up and drove away, ignoring that she was still watching me drive off. Tsk, kids really nowadays are so different

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