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They were all now at the park just like what Yuna requested.

Of course Yuna was stuck with Chaeryeong the whole time, dragging her mommy around some of the stalls in the park. 

"So what's your work Yeji?" Mrs. Lee asked, who was walking with Yeji beside her

"Oh, I'm an Engineer Mrs. Lee" Yeji said and Mrs. Lee nodded

"How come?" Mrs. Lee asked

"Well, If I remembered it correctly, it was the time when me and Chaeryeong talked about our future. We were still back in highschool, a year before college and we asked each other what we wanted to pursue. Of course I wanted something that I can get a lot of pay so that I can earn for the both of us. She also suggested something on my interest which was buildings and stuff so I decided to take engineering as my course during college" Yeji explained and Mrs. Lee smiled, she actually already knew why but maybe she just wanted to test if Yeji really does remember now. Of course, she did and it still made her heart melt, she said the exact same thing when she asked her daughter's girlfriend before.

"I'm glad about that Yeji" Mrs. Lee said and chuckled

They continued walking around the park until Mrs. Lee kind got a little tired

"Umm darling" Yeji called for the younger

"Mhm?" Chseryeong asked and turned around to look at Yeji and her mom.

"Maybe me and your mom should sit on the bench first. She's kind of tired already" Yeji said and Mrs. Lee chuckled shyly

"Oh, then should we go home now?" Chaeryeong asked, worried that her mom is getting tired

"No sweetheart, I'm fine. Me and Yeji can just sit down and talk. You and Yuna can have a little fun around" Mrs. Lee reassured and Chaeryeong nodded

"I'll just message you darling, okay?" Yeji said and Chaeryeong nodded before getting a kiss on the forehead by the older

Mrs. Lee and Yeji then goes over to one of the benches in the park and sits down. Mrs. Lee lets out a soft sigh.

"I'm glad you went to Chaeryeong last night" Mrs. Lee suddenly said

"Hmm, she needed me, I can't let her cry all night but if she wants to then I should be there with her. I need to be with her so that she'll calm down and feel better" Yeji said

"It's just..... her father isn't sure about you yet coming back into her life. Of course Chaeryeong went through a lot without you, even if we thought that you were really gone" Mrs. Lee said and Yeji just listened

"He adores our daughters so much so I hope you understand. I don't have any problems about you and Chaeryeong getting back together because I trust the both of you. Ever since you two started dating, you two were inseparable, always being together no matter where it was" Mrs. Lee chuckled as she remembered those times

"I'm sorry if you have to wait a little longer and go through some things before having our full permission to really be with Chaeryeong and Yuna. My husband is very protective, I just hopes he sees that you can take care of Chaeryeong and Yuna. I myself can see that, Yuna adores you already, she isn't shy around you, she's comfortable when you're with them and she even calls you momma" Mrs. Lee chuckled once again

"Chaeryeong, gosh that daughter of mine. Its been a long time since I see her smiling so happily, like a real one. I missed seeing her being so happy and relaxed and now, thanks to you, she's back to her happy and giggly self once again." Mrs. Lee said and let out a happy sigh

"Please take care of my daughter and granddaughter Yeji, you know how much they mean to us" Mrs. Lee said

"Mrs. Lee, you don't have to worry. I'll take care of the two of them now on, even if I have to follow some rules and anything that Mr. Lee wants. I want them to live a happy life and I would do anything just for that to happen" Yeji said and it made Mrs. Lee smile.

"Thank you Yeji" Mrs. Lee said and hugged the younger, Yeji hugged back but then they were interrupted by a small squealing voice. They part away from the hug and saw the little girl running towards them

"Momma~ look what I got!" Yuna said and showed her eomma a stuff toy.

"Wow sweetheart, where did you got that" Yeji asked as she carries her daughter and places her on her lap.

"We got it at the small game stall, mommy helped me to win it" Yuna said

"She actually wanted the unicorn but it's kind of hard to get it" Chaeryeong said and chuckled as she went towards them

"Yeah, the unicorn is so big and fluffy!" Yuna said

"We can get the unicorn next time sweetheart" Yeji said but Yuna pouted

"Please momma~" Yuna said cutely and of course Yeji couldn't resist

"Hmm, fine, let's go get you that unicorn" Yeji said and stood up as she carried the little girl

"We'll be back in a while darling, just gonna get this cute girl's unicorn" Yeji said and it made Chaeryeong chuckle

"Go on you two" Chaeryeong said and kissed Yeji's cheek before letting them go.

It was now Chaeryeong's turn to sit beside her mom.

"You two talked about something?" Chaeryeong asked

"A little bit" Mrs. Lee said

"Are you happy?" Mrs. Lee asked her daughter

"I'm always happy eomma" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"No, I meant are you happier now that you and Yeji are back together?" Mrs. Lee asked and looked at Chaeryeong

"Of course eomma, I mean, its all I've been asking for years. You know how much I love Yeji" Chaeryeong said

"I just don't feel happy, I also feel relaxed now and comfortable. I don't have to worry a lot now especially that she's willing to do anything just so that appa could approve of her" Chaeryeong said

"I'm sure your appa will approve of her soon. Maybe he's just not adjusting well and also a bit too shock about it" Mrs. Lee reassured her

Soon later, Yeji and Yuna came back, Yuna carrying the huge fluffy unicorn.

"Momma got it!!" Yuna said happily and Chaeryeong and Mrs. Lee chuckled

"That's bit big for you little princess, want haelmoni to help you?" Mrs. Lee as she stood up. Yuna nodded and then Yuna went with Mrs. Lee.

"How come you got it? it was hard for the both of us to shoot it" Chaeryeong said, almost like sulking to the older

"Easy, just threatened the guy there" Yeji said and chuckled

"Yeji" Chaeryeong scolded

"Why? he was teasing Yuna for not being able to shoot the dummy there. I won't let anyone tease my daughter" Yeji defended which only made Chaeryeong chuckle

"Gosh, I love you" Chaeryeong said as Yeji wrapped her arm around the younger's waist

"I love you too darling" Yeji said and kissed the younger's temple as they followed Yuna and Mrs. Lee back to the car.

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