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Chaeryeong still had to stay in the hospital for further recovery, Yuna on the other hand was starting to go back to school since Chaeryeong told her to and being the obedient daughter that she is, she followed her Mommy.

Yeji still didn't go to work, she refused to do so since she wanted to take care of her wife until she was finally allowed to go home.

"Do you want anything Darling?" Yeji asked the younger as she was sitting on the edge of the bed

"I'm kind of hungry actually" Chaeryeong said and Yeji chuckled

"Hmm, what do you want my love?" Yeji asked

"Tteokboki" Chaeryeong said and Yeji chuckled once again.

"Isn't it too early to have tteokboki my Darling?" Yeji asked her but Chaeryeong shook her head

"Okay, I'll go buy some tteokboki at-" Yeji was cut off when Chaeryeong pulled her back to sit on the bed.

"Please don't go, I want you here. Just ask Haerin to buy it for me" Chaeryeong said to the older


"Please?" Chaeryeong asked, looking at her wife's eyes, pleading for her not to leave her in the hospital room.

"Alright. I'll ask Haerin to buy it for you" Yeji said and Chaeryeong smiled. She wanted to be with Yeji the whole time, she wanted someone to hold her.

After calling Haerin and telling her to buy some food, Yeji went closer to the younger and brought her into her arms.



"Aren't you supposed to be mad at me?" Chaeryeong asked her

"Mad for what?"

"From what happened, before I was brought here, also the articles online" Chaeryeong said

"Why would I get mad at you Darling? it wasn't your fault. Of course I wouldn't think you would ever cheat on me" Yeji said

"How come?" Chaeryeong asked

"Darling, you were basically head over heels for me ever since we studied together, you were crying just for me to stay with you and be with you again and most of all, you told me you didn't had any other relationships after me. I believe in you Darling, I trust you because I love you" Yeji said which made Chaeryeong tear up.

"It would break my heart if I would ever lose you Darling" Yeji said and kissed along the younger's cheek and jaw, making her feel so loved.

"What did I do to deserve you" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Hmm... a lot actually. You're the gorgeous mom of our child, you raise her to be very healthy and beautiful just like you, being a caring wife and most of all just being you. Actually, I should be the one asking that. After that I had left you all of the sudden and making you hurt from what I did" Yeji said and Chaeryeong could just tear up

"It's not your fault Yeji and it's all in the past. As long as you're here with me then I'm happy of what we have" Chaeryeong said and Yeji chuckled

"Of course Darling" Yeji said and pecked Chaeryeong's lips.

Long Time Skip>>>

They were all back home, Yeji was relieved that her wife could now leave the hospital and stay with them but Chaeryeong wasn't allowed to work still so she had to stay home again for about a week.

"Darling?" Yeji called, she was finding for her wife as soon as she woke up because she wasn't beside her anymore or in their room.

Yeji got out of the room and checked where Chaeryeong could be, she went to Yuna's room but she wasn't there and even the little girl wasn't there. She was about to go to the playroom but then she heard giggles from the kitchen. She quickly went towards there and saw both her wife and daughter preparing breakfast.

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