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Another day for the Hwangs, well most specifically for Yeji, Chaeryeong and of course their little sunshine, Yuna.

"Go on and check on your mommy, sweetheart" Yeji said softly to their daughter.

"Is she still sick?" Yuna asked worriedly. Last night Chaeryeong threw up again after they got finished with watching a movie and Yeji had to take care of her all through the night, not that she hates it or anything but she just got so worried for her wife.

"I hope not, but why don't we check on her hmm?" Yeji asked and Yuna nodded with a smile.

They quietly went towards the room and got inside carefully. Yeji then picks up Yuna and places her on the bed as the little girl gently crawls towards her mommy.

"Mommy?" Yuna called softly

"Darling~" Yeji called as well

Chaeryeong furrowed her eyebrows a bit as she heard voices calling her.

"Mommy~" Yuna called once again and it made Chaeryeong flutter her eyes open.

"Hmm, oh baby, Honey" Chaeryeong said, a little bit in shock.

"Good morning my love" Yeji said softly and kissed the younger's forehead.

"Are you still sick mommy?" Yuna asked worriedly with a pout.

"I'm not sick anymore sweetheart, mommy's fine now" Chaeryeong reassured her and Yuna immediately gets in the covers and hugs her mommy tightly.

"I don't like you getting sick" Yuna mumbled under her breath as Chaeryeong gently caresses the little girl's back. Chaeryeong remembers those times way back when it was just her and Yuna, Chaeryeong would always get sick, she would get the flu and had to stay in bed for at least three days until she gets better. Yuna always hates it when her mommy was sick, she felt like she would be losing her.

"I'm fine now baby, Mommy's all better" Chaeryeong reassured her once again and kissed her forehead

"Sure?" Yuna asked and looked up at her mommy

"Yes baby" Chaeryeong said with a smile and when Yuna felt that her mommy was really all better, she kissed her cheek.

"I'll help in preparing the table for breakfast mommy" Yuna said happily and immediately got down from the bed, causing her mothers to chuckle.

"Are you really okay now Darling?" Yeji asked of course she was worried for her wife, wanting to make sure that she doesn't feel anything bad.

Chaeryeong carefully sat up and faced Yeji.

"Just a little headache but it might go away soon" Chaeryeong said and Yeji nodded. She then opens her arms snd Chaeryeong immediately hugs her, hiding her face on the crook of the older's neck.

"You have work today?" Chaeryeong asked

"I do but I'll stay home to take care of you" Yeji said to the younger as she slips her hand inside the younger's shirt to caress her back and stomach gently, making her feel warm and more relaxed

"But Yeji, that's work and-"

"And you're way more important than my work Darling. What if something worse happens? do you think I'll be fine with that? You're my wife Chaeryeong, you mean more to me than anything in the world" Yeji said and it made Chaeryeong tear up.

"Oh Darling" Yeji cooed and wiped away the tears from her wife's cheeks.

"Sorry for making you cry again" Yeji said softly, she knew everytime that she compliments and reassures the younger with such loving words, it makes Chaeryeong tear up or cry instantly.

"It's okay, thank you for making me feel so loved by you Honey" Chaeryeong said

"Always my love, and you deserve it, you should know that" Yeji said and kisses her forehead.

They both then got out of bed and went to the dining area to have breakfast, and there they saw Yuna on the table, quite a bit messy with the whipped cream on her hands.

"Yuna sweetheart, what's that?" Yeji asked and chuckled

"I wanted to put whipped cream on top of mommy's waffles hut it kind of..... umm.... went out of hand" Yuna said with a pout

"I'm sorry miss" Yubin said apologetically, sorry that she wasn't able to help Yuna on time.

"It's alright Yubin" Chaeryeong said with a smile

"And for you on the other hand...." Chaeryeong trailed off and carried Yuna and went over to the sink.

"Should wash your hands" Chaeryeong said and chuckled and Yuna immediately washed her hands with soap.

"Sorry" Yuna said with a pout

"I just wanted to help on breakfast and do something for you" Yuna said and looked at her mommy.

"I appreciate it a lot my sweetheart, thank you. And I don't mind of the loads of whipped cream you put on my waffles" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

Yeji stood there by the table admiring her wife and daughter. She felt her heart melting just thinking of spending their whole life all together in one roof.

"Look at momma" Yuna said and pointed at Yeji, chuckling how Yeji was looking at them.

"Come on you two, let's have breakfast" Yeji said and chuckled and the two immediately went to the table and had breakfast all together.

"So I was thinking...." Yeji trailed off and the other two looked at her.

"About what momma?" Yuna asked

"Start my own company" Yeji said and Chaeryeong looked at her with a smile

"I think that's a great idea Honey" Chaeryeong said

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it lately, I wanted to at least make a name for myself and of course I don't want to be associated with dad" Yeji said and Chaeryeong nodded

"We'll be here for you Honey, me and Yuna will support you all the way and when you need help I'm always here for you" Chaeryeong said and it made Yeji smile

"Thank you my Darling" Yeji said and kissed the back of Chaeryeong's hand making Yuna giggle.

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