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"Mom, eomma" they turned their heads and saw Yuna

"Oh sweetheart, what is it?" Yeji asked and Yuna went towards them.

The couple moved a bit so Yuna could sit in between them.

"I'm sorry" Yuna said softly

"Sorry about what sweetheart?" Yeji asked

"I didn't tell you two sooner" Yuna said and then looked at her mommy

"Tell us what sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked worriedly

"I... I've been bullied recently. The other students won't play with me or even group with me for school activities and such" Yuna said and sighed as she looked down on her feet.

"Did you-"

"I tried telling our teacher once but they would always stop me. They wouldn't bully me about my looks or how I am at school.... they keep bullying me about you two" Yuna said sadly.

It made Chaeryeong shocked but she knew something like this would happen soon enough.

"It's not that I'm ashamed of you two, I don't like how they call you two mean things. I hate it when someone talks bad about you, mom and eomma. You two always take care of me, you give time for me and Rima even if you two work a lot. You know that I love you two very much, right?" Yuna said and looked at the two

"Of course sweetheart. We know that" Chaeryeong said and then hugged her daughter.

"Don't worry anymore okay? me and your mommy will find a new school for you and Rima" Yeji said to reassure their daughter

"Aren't you spoiling me too much eomma? you'll have to find another school for me, its the third time this year" Yuna said and pouted

"It doesn't matter sweetheart. It's not that we're spoiling you, we just want you to have the life you deserve" Chaeryeong said and Yuna just nodded

"I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner" Yuna said

"Everything's fine sweetheart, no need to apologize" Yeji said and then it made Yuna smile

Chaeryeong then kissed her temple.

"You deserve everything okay sweetheart? you and Rima" Chaeryeong added and Yuna nodded. She thanked her parents and of course dragged them back in so they could have their afternoon snacks.

"Unnie!" they heard someone squeal and it was Rima, she was running towards her older sister.

"Hi Rima!" Yuna said with a smile and hugged her little sister.

"I did a lot at school today unnie!" Rima chimed

"Really?! then we need to celebrate! eomma cooked something for us. Let's hurry and eat it" Yuna said and the two squealed.

Chaeryeong and Yeji could only chuckle at their daughters cute actions

"Thank you for coming over, Chaery and Yeji" Lia said with a smile as she sat down on the couch across them

"No problem, me and Chaery didn't have any work today anyways" Yeji says and takes a sip of her drink

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