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[ Mature Chapter ]

Chaeryeong's POV

I was panting heavily as Yeji didn't let me cum when I was about to. It was kind of painful, I needed to release it but she just teased me

"Honey... please" I begged her

She just chuckled and went lower, facing my dripping core. I immediately placed my hands on top of her head as she starts eating me out.

"Sweet" she husked, licking around my entrance. She starts thrusting it faster inside of me and I was getting so close.

"Y-Yes! right there baby" I moaned, my legs starts to shake and she holds onto my thighs

"Yeji~" I whimpered as I came, it made me breath heavily. She swallowed all of my cum and then stood up to face me.

She pulls me closer and captures my lips once again and then lets me wrap my arms and legs around her neck and then her waist.

"Ready for more Darling?" she asked me and I just hummed as I tangled my fingers in her hair, kissing her passionately.

She carried me and brought me out of our bathroom and to our bed. She placed me down on the bed gently and starts to undress herself. I gulp as I see her abs, it made me aroused more and I could feel the heat between my legs again.

"Stop biting your lips my Darling, it might bleed" she told me which I didn't noticed because I was focused on looking at her huge bulge.

She removes her pants along with her boxers and now hovers on top of me. She starts kissing my neck as she caressed my sides, making me moan softly.

I wanted to please her even for a bit so I pushed her to the side and when she laid down, it was my turn to hover on top of her. I kissed her lips before I trailed down to her jaw, neck, her chest and down to her abs, teasing her a bit by sucking, leaving a mark. I smiled in satisfaction when I heard her hiss

Going lower, I was now face to face to her dick, I wrapped my hand around it and start jerking it as I kissed the tip. I hear her grunt as I did as so and without a warning, I took her dick inside of my mouth, bobbing my head as I swirled my tongue around it

"Fuck baby" I hear her groan. She grabs a fistful of my hair, guiding me. Later on, I could feel her bucking her hips and I know she was close. I moan at her action and it sent vibrations to her which caused her to cum in an instant.

I swallowed all of Yeji's cum and cleaned her dick by licking around it.

As I was done, she pushed me back and hovered on top of me again.

"I want you in me Yeji, please" I said to her, my eyes looking straight at her which I know would make her give in easily.

I then felt her tip slip into me easily, it was so wet. I gasp from the sensation, loving how she fills me up. A little later as we were kissing, she pushes her dick deeper in my pussy, causing me to pull back and moan

"Ugh~" I moaned and she pushed it in more further. I gripped on her shoulders.

"Are you okay Darling?" she asked me worriedly, I nodded as I was breathing for air. I was in awe that she was worried for me and was concerned.

"Y-you can move now" I told her softly and she did as so. Slowly thrusting her dick inside of me and I could feel the veins around her dick. She was so hard, hot and huge. I feel so full with her dick inside of me

I looked down and watch as her dick went in and out of my pussy. It made me moan and arch my back. It feels so amazing to feel her inside of me again.

I was wanting for more so I looked back up at her

"Faster baby~" I whimpered and bit my lip. She nodded and started thrusting faster inside of me. I could feel her dick grazing my clit, making me more sensitive and feel the pleasure more

"Ahh Daddy~" I accidentally moaned and I covered my mouth from that. She looks down at me and I could see her eyes, all dark.

"What did you just called me?" she asked, slowing down her thrusts but pushing it deeper.

"D-Daddy" I said

"Keep calling me that Darling. I want to hear you beg for me just like that" she told me and starts thrusting faster, her hands on my hips, making me not move much

"Yes Daddy! fuck. Just like that, oh my god~" I moaned and threw my head back. I could feel her tip hitting something inside of me, making me want to cum

I was about to moan loudly but I didn't want to let it out. I grabbed her face, pulling her close to me and kissed her. I let out my moans as we kissed, she continued to pound inside of me very quickly and deeper.

The sounds of our skin slapping and how her dick slips in and out of my pussy was filled inside the room along with my moans and her grunts.

"So close Daddy, please~" I whimpered as I felt my pussy clenching on her dick

"Fuck Darling, you feel so fucking good" she groans and went faster and deeper, making me gasp from time to time.

"I love you baby" she said as she looked at me

"I... I love you too" I managed to say to her as I could feel our sweat

"Yeji!! I'm cumming!" I screamed and when she thrusted into me one last time very deep, I felt myself cum, covering her dick with my juices as I felt her explode inside of me. She continued to thrust her dick in my pussy to calm me down from my high.

She peppered kisses on my face, helping me calm down. My legs were shaking and I was breathing heavily, my eyes were closed because I knew I couldn't manage to look around because of my hard orgasm.

She slowly pulls her dick out of me, making me moan once again. She was limp and I feel my pussy dripping with both of our juices.

"Y-Yeji" I called for her, my legs were shaking and I felt so overwhelmed. She immediately pulls me into her arms and caresses my thighs and legs, helping me calm down

"All better now Darling?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Want to shower?" she asked and I nodded again, too tired to speak to her. She carefully carried me bridal style and brought us back to the bathroom to clean ourselves up.

Time Skip>>>>

We were now in bed, cuddling. My face was hidden in the crook of her .

"Rest now my love, I'll wake you up so that we could see the sunrise together" she said and it made me smile. She still remembers that I always love watching the sunrise, especially from the balcony.

"I love you Darling"

"I love you too Honey"

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