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"You sure you don't want this one?" Chaeyeon asked her sister

"I don't like this much unnie, also I don't like how it feels, it's kind of itchy" Chaeryeong said and sighed

"Okay, well go back and change we can go find other shops first" Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Hello, sorry but unfortunately my sister wasn't able to choose anything she likes and something she's comfortable with" Chaeyeon told the lady

"No worries miss, we're glad to accommodate you today" the lady said and Chaeyeon nodded with a smile as she thanked her. As Chaeryeong was still changing her clothes, Chaeyeon got a call from Yeji.


"Chaeyeon, so how is it going?"

"Devastating, she didn't like any of the gowns at any of the shops we went to"

"Really? well the one I ordered for her just arrived today, I hope she likes it"

"I'm sure she will Yeji, don't worry a lot about it. Well she is stressing out about what to wear on your guys wedding, I know that its important for the two of you"

"How stressed is she?"

"Want me to tell you by scale or descriptive type?" Chaeyeon joked

"Really Chaeyeon *chuckles* just a scale"

"Probably a 8.5, she looked really worried"

"Aww, my poor darling, well, I hope you guys get done and I hope she'll be fine later"

"She'll be fine as soon as she gets home. She's quite longing for attention and comfort at the moment. You know what I mean" Chaeyeon said and chuckles softly

"I know, well thank you Chaeyeon. I owe you a lot"

"No need, as long as you take care of my sister, that's fine with me"

"Okay, stay safe the two of you"

"We will"


Chaeyeon end the call and later on Chaeryeong was now dressed back to her casual clothes.

"Let's go?" Chaeyeon asked and Chaeryeong just nodded

They went out of the store and Chaeyeon drove them off to somewhere else

"Want to check on other shops?" Chaeyeon asked

"I'm not sure unnie, we've been to almost more than five shops and we still can't find a gown that I would be wearing, and its already next month" Chaeryeong said worriedly and sighed

"I'm sure there would be something that we could find" Chaeyeon suggested

Chaeryeong grabbed her phone and looked at the time, it was almost 5:30 and she wanted to go home. She just wanted to rest and deal with this problem the next day.

"Should we still check?" Chaeyeon asked

"I don't know unnie, I'm pretty much exhausted already" Chaeryeong said and massaged her temple

"Hmm, we did made progress today, we bought some things you need" Chaeyeon saud and Chaeryeong nodded

"I'll drive you home then" Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong nodded once again.

A little later they finally arrived at the house.

"Thank you for accompanying me today unnie" Chaeryeong said and hugged her sister

"No worries, I'll see you next time. Go get some rest" Chaeyeon said and patted her sister's back before leaving.

Chaeryeong lets out a sigh before she gets inside their house.

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