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"Mommy look! its our neighbor!" Yuna said happily and Chaeryeong looked up only to see Yeji.

Chaeryeong's POV


She's really here....

"Hi Miss" Yuna said with a big smile as she looks up at Yeji.

"Hello there kiddo" Yeji said and smiled back at Yuna.

"And hello, Ms. Serena, didn't know you'd be here" she said and looked at me. It made my heart pound, seeing her and talking to her casually is hard. It was making my heart race.

"I uh-" I was so shocked that I couldn't form any words to say to her.

"Beg your pardon, I'm Haerin, Ms. Serena's personal assistant. She's here for a meeting and work matters. Also we're just heading off to have dinner" Haerin said to save me from not being able to talk to Yeji.

"That's great, I also have a meeting. I'll be heading off to dinner too right now" Yeji said and I just nodded

"Why don't you join us miss? Mommy will that be okay?" Yuna suddenly asked

"I don't think she has time to have dinner with us Yuna" Yubin then said

"No worries kiddo, I'll be heading off somewhere else as well. Nice meeting all of you, I'll get going. Be safe" Yeji said and immediately left.

"Aww, she could've joined us for dinner. She seems nice" Yuna said and all I could feel was guilt. I didn't know why but I just did.

The van that would pick us up then suddenly arrived. We all got in, Haerin sat beside me during the ride while Yubin and Yuna were at the back of the van.

"What happened back there? you weren't able to talk to her?" Haerin asked me

"I-I... I didn't know. All of the sudden I couldn't say anything to her" I said and sighed.

I think I was just purely in shock to see Yeji so close again after years of what happened. She seemed like she doesn't know me anymore. At first when Ryujin told me that it was really Yeji who I would partnered with for the project I didn't believed it or I thought it was just a person with the same name.

Did she really just forgot about me and threw away all the memories we had?

"Hey, you look so lost in thought" Haerin said

"Sorry, just thinking about something" I said and sighed. I trued to get rid of the thought, I don't want Yuna to see me looking so bothered. I just hope we could have a peaceful outing tonight.

Yeji's POV

Cute, the little girl wanted me to join them for dinner. I'm sure they had other plans for tonight.

I was actually curious why Ms. Serena couldn't say anything to me, her personal assistant was the one who talked for her but nonetheless I thought she looked cute a while ago when she looked a little bit flustered and confused.  

I didn't even notice I was smiling already just thinking about her but then my head suddenly hurt again.

(Third Person's POV)

"Hurry up Yeji before you're too late!" Ryujin said to the older

"I'm trying okay? if it weren't for that bakery to forgot about it then I wouldn't be rushing" Yeji said and groaned

"Lia just texted me that their class is about to end" Ryujin said

Yeji groaned once again but finally she arrived at the school. They had early dismissal while the other two still had class and Yeji being the caring and sweet girlfriend she is, wanted to surprise Chaeryeong today.

Upon reaching the school the two hurriedly rushed inside and went up the stairs to where Chaeryeong's class was located.

Yeji was panting heavily, as she reached the floor and saw students passing by, hoping Chaeryeong hasn't left the classroom yet.

"Maybe she already left" Ryujin said worriedly as she sees the students pass by them.

"Oh hey Yuri, is Chaeryeong still there?" Yeji asked

"Oh yeah, Lia's still there as well" Yuri said

"Seems like someone's getting a surprise" Natty said and the two of them chuckled as they look at Yeji holding a bouquet of oink roses and a box that contains a small bento cake.

Yeji then went towards the classroom and saw only Lia and Chaeryeong left. Lia was the first one to see Yeji but Yeji motioned her to stay quiet. Lia understood and nodded.

"So unnie, about the project, we're doing it with Yuri right?" Chaeryeong asked and Lia hummed

"Did Yuri left? I'm sure she's-" Chaeryeong was cut off when she turned around and saw the older

"Y-Yeji" she muttered softly as Yeji walked towards her. Chaeryeong just look at her in the eyes.

"I got something for you baby" Yeji said and handed it to Chaeryeong.

"T-this is too much Yeji, I... how?" Chaeryeong asked and looked at her, tearing up.

"You seemed so exhausted with schoolworks so I wanted to give you something to cheer you up" Yeji said and it made Chaeryeong so overwhelmed and smile. Yeji then wiped off the tears on Chaeryeong's cheek with her thumb.

"Thank you" Chaeryeong said and placed the gifts she got on her table first before facing Yeji and hugging her with her arms wrapped around the older's nape

"You're welcome baby, Happy eight monthsary to the two of us" Yeji said and kissed the younger's forehead.

Lia and Ryujin watched in awe, happy to see the two so close together. They were sure that nothing could break them apart.

End of Flashback....

Yeji's POV

Why does Serena look like the girl in my head? are they related? maybe she is the girl.

My head keeps hurting whenever I think about it but the doctors did said that it may be because I'm getting my memories back. I do hope so I get them back, I have a lot of questions already.

Why does Ms. Serena look familiar? Why does Ryujin and Lia know Serena well? I was sure that Ryujin was about to call Serena something different the other day and why does Hyunjin oppa and eomma keeps asking me to go to the doctor before? was this the reason? to get my memories back and remember everything that happened?

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