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Chaeryeong's eyes widened, it couldn't be right? It was impossible

Looking once again she saw the woman and her heart drop.

"This can't be" she muttered and immediately left the Country Clubhouse which confused Chaeyeon

"Hey, where are you going?!" Chaeyeon called for her as she tried to chase her but her sister was too fast. She sighed and went back to the clubhouse first.

"Hey where's Ryeong?" Sakura asked, finding for the younger who was supposedly the one to entertain the guests

"She went inside the house, keep an eye on Yuna first okay? I'll go talk to her" Chaeyeon said and Sakura nodded.

Chaeyeon ran back to their house in the Country Club and find for her sister. She check the living room and guest room and yet she wasn't there, all that was left was their rooms on the second floor, she went to Chseryeong's room just to make sure and when she opened it, she saw her younger sister crying on the bed.

"Chaery, what happened?" Chaeyeon said worriedly as she went towards the younger.

Chaeryeong didn't answer, she kept sobbing, can't believe what she just saw earlier. Chaeyeon then sat on the bed, just beside her sister and caressed her arm.

"Can you tell me what's wrong hmm?" Chaeyeon asked and Chaeryeong wiped off her tears and looked at her sister.

"S-she's here" Chaeryeong said weakly as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"Who? who's here?" Chaeyeon asked in confusion.

"Y-Yeji" Chaeryeong stuttered and as soon as she said the name, her heart broke and she cried once more.

"W-what? that can't be, I thought she was-"

"No unnie, I saw her, she's here, she's here at the Country Club" Chaeryeong cried and Chaeyeon hugged her. She couldn't take it to see her sister being so broken once again after those years. She knew that Chaeryeong deserves more, she deserves a better life.

"Shhh... it's alright Chaeryeong" Chaeyeon said softly to her sister as she caressed her back

"Do you want us to go back tomorrow morning?" Chaeyeon asked

"We can't unnie, Yuna loves it here, I promised her we would stay one more day" Chaeryeong said and sighed as she wiped her tears

"Don't worry about that Chaery, it's you that matters okay? Go to bed first, you've been crying a lot. I'll get Yuna as well, let her finish her meal and get her ready for bed as well okay?" Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong nodded

"Thank you unnie" Chaeryeong said softly and smiled at her sister

"No problem, get some rest" Chaeyeon said and kissed her sister's forehead before going off to get the others.

Chaeyeon walked back to the Country Clubhouse to find for Sakura and the kids but what she saw shocked her. It was really Yeji, and what shocked her more that she was with Ryujin and Lia, their friends way back in high school.

"Shit" Chaeyeon muttered

"Shit" she heard and her eyes widened, she looked down and saw Yuna.

"Yuna, you can't say that, it's a bad word" Chaeyeon said

"But you said it Aunt Chae" Yuna said

"Well.... only adults can say that" Chaeyeon said and was relieved as Yuna just nodded.

"Where's mommy?" Yuna asked

"Your mommy isn't feeling well sweetie, she had to stay at the house for her to rest" Chaeyeon explained

"Really?" Yuna said worriedly and Chaeyeon nodded

"Can we go back now Aunt Chae? I want to see mommy" Yuna said

"But you didn't even had dessert yet" Chaeyeon said

"It's okay, I want to see if mommy is okay" Yuna said with a smile and it made Chaeyeon chuckle. Yuna really loves her mom and Chaeyeon guessed that nothing could change it ever.

"Okay, well can you help me find your cousins so all of us could go back now?" Chaeyeon asked and Yuna nodded with a smile

After a few minutes, they all went back to the house and got ready for bed. Yuna immediately went up to her mommy's room as soon as she got done with her bath.

"Mommy~" Yuna called but there was no response, she frowned, maybe her mommy wasn't really feeling well. She climbed up the bed and went beside Chaeryeong.

"Mommy?" Yuna said softly as she touched her cheek, this made Chaeryeong wake up a little. She smiled upon seeing her little girl

"Hello sweetheart" Chaeryeong said with a smile

"Are you sick?" Yuna asked worriedly

"No sweetheart, mommy's not sick, I'm just not feeling well and I'm a little bit tired okay?" Chaeryeong said softly.

"Really?" Yuna asked and then she placed her hand on her mommy's forehead, checking her temperature. Chaeryeong chuckled, it was adorable on how Yuna would copy the things she does when she gets sick.

"Yes sweetie, Mommy's fine" Chaeryeong reassured and Yuna nodded.

She then laid down beside her mommy and hugged her.

"Goodnight mommy" Yuna said

"Goodnight too my sweet angel" Chaeryeong said softly and kissed her daughter's forehead.

"I love you" Yuna added and it made Chaeryeong's heart melt, Yuna wasn't usually the one to say 'I love you' to her first but when she does, she felt like she was the world's best mom.

"I love you too, sweet dreams my baby" Chaeryeong said and hugged her daughter to sleep.


"She needs some pain killers" Lia said, they were now at their house at the Country Club and Yeji was still having her headache.

"Damn, what did you ate?" Ryujin wondered as she handed Yeji the pain killers and a glass of water.

"I... I don't know, my head just started hurting as soon as I looked around the area" Yeji said and groaned

"You need to get back home Yeji, your mom will get worried" Lia said

"Later, my head's killing me" Yeji said and groaned.

After a while, they left Yeji he and went off to their room.

"I guess she's getting her memories back" Ryujin said as she was getting ready for bed

"Are you sure? it's been years since we've guessed on that. The impact of the accident was too hard babe, I mean, it was planned after all" Lia said and looked at her wife

"Still, she could bring back her memories if she wanted. Her dad is just stopping her to do so" Ryujin said

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