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"Rude" Yuna muttered as she watches the lady she just talked to a while ago drive off. She grabs her ball and held it tightly and decided to go back to finally eat her breakfast.

"Back so soon sweetheart?" Chaeryeong said as she places the plate of toast and fruits on the table.

"There's a new lady around" Yuna said grumpily as she puts her ball away.

"Already grumpy at the start of the day little princess?" Chaeyeon asked and chuckled at how her niece was acting up early in the morning.

"There was a lady driving her car and she almost hit me!" Yuna said annoyingly

"Were you fine sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked worriedly as she lifted up her daughter in her arms.

"I'm fine, I just told her off" Yuna said

"Told her off? I didn't taught you that baby" Chaeryeong said, shocked from what she heard from her daughter

"Yeah but Aunt Kkura did" Yuna said and pointed to the older who just got back inside

"Ya Kkura, why did you taught Yuna that?" Chaeyeon asked her wife

"W-what? I'm lost sorry, I don't know what you're talking about" Sakura said, trying to defend herself

"Yuna said that you taught her to tell off on people... which is actually true eomma" Nako said as she comes up towards them

"Ah jinja" Chaeyeon said and sighed

"Yuna sweetheart, talking back and telling people off is rude. I never taught you to be like that" Chaeryeong told her daughter

"I was annoyed by that lady" Yuna said but her mother was still looking at her seriously.

"Sorry" Yuna said and looked down at her hands.

"Don't ever do that again sweetheart" Chaeryeong said and kissed Yuna's temple. Yuna nodded and then hugged her mother by the neck. 

"Let's have breakfast now" Hitomi said, trying to brighten up the mood.

They then all went to the dining area and ate breakfast together, of course Chaeryeong couldn't stay mad at her daughter for too long so she kept helping her on eating her breakfast.

"Want anything else sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked her daughter

"Can I get strawberry milk mommy?" Yuna asked cutely and Chaeryeong chuckled

"Of course baby" Chaeryeong said and went to the fridge to get some strawberry milk for Yuna.

She gave the small carton of milk to the little girl and they continued to have their breakfast.


"Isn't Yeji taking too long?" Lia said as she's preparing some snacks in their living room lounge. The site was actually just near their house and Ryujin told Yeji to come by first.

"She'll be here soon, maybe just got stuck in traffic" Ryujin said

"Babe, no one gets into traffic going here at the country club" Lia said

"Hmm... I guess she just encountered someone" Ryujin said and Lia chuckled at her wife, she gave the girl a kiss on the temple before heading off to their shared room.

As soon as Lia got inside of their shared room, the main door opened and Yeji got in.

"Oh you're finally here" Ryujin said and stood up

"Yeah sorry, just some kid down the road a while ago" Yeji said and sighed

"Oh yeah, about those. Kids are free to play outside and it's more like drive slowly area here at the country club. They prioritize kids here" Ryujin explained

"That explains why" Yeji said

"Why? What happened?" Lia asked as she went towards them

"I almost run over a kid but good thing I stopped" Yeji said

"You what?!?!" Lia asked in shock

"The kid was fine okay? Calm down. But as soon as I checked on her she told me off" Yeji said

"You know what, I'm calling the kids. Yujin~ Goeun~" Lia said and went to get her kids

"Damn Yeji, even kids hate you" Ryujin said and chuckled

"Stop it Ryujin, before I decide to punch you in the face" Yeji said and rolled her eyes on the other girl

"Now say hello to you aunt Yeji" Lia said as soon as she got her kids, Yujin was just 7 years old while Goeun was already 10

"Hello Aunt Yeji" they said and bowed but she immediately left as soon as she greeted her aunt

"What's wrong with you eldest?" Yeji asked

"Umm..." Lia trailed off and looked at Ryujin worriedly

"She's just not in the mood, don't worry, she'll be better soon" Ryujin reassured and Yeji nodded

"So, what do you need me for?" Yeji asked

"Oh yeah, about the outdoor pool and garden that we wanted, can it be like this?" Ryujin asked and showed a picture to Yeji.

"Did you already collaborated with an interior designer? or landscape artist?" Yeji asked

"Actually not yet but we know someone" Ryujin said but Lia then looked at her worriedly

"Great, then maybe we can all get to talk about it and work on the project so we can finish your guys vacation house" Yeji said and Ryujin nodded

"Mom, eomma, I'm going out" Goeun said as she passed by them, already in her outside clothes

"Where are you going sweetheart?" Lia asked

"I'm going to meet up with my friends, see you in a bit mom, eomma" Goeun said and kissed her mother's cheeks before leaving.

"I think you daughter hates me" Yeji said

"She does" Yujin muttered softly

"What did you say sweetie?" Ryujin asked

"Nothing" Yujin said and quickly went off to her room

"Anyways, there's dinner at the country clubhouse later, want to join us Yeji?" Lia asked

"Oh sure" Yeji said with a smile and the couple nodded

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