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Chaeryeong slowly opens her eyes, the rays of sunlight from the window hitting her face caused her to wake up. She yawns softly and rubs her eyes and tries to sit up but her eyes widened as she realized where she was.

She was already on Yeji's bed and Yeji was nowhere to be found beside her. She starts to panic, thinking that they took Yeji away from her and she had to be operated.

"No" Chaeryeong said, panicking as she got down the bed. She was about to get her phone from the coffee table by the couch but she heard a door knob turn.

She turned around and it wasn't the main door and she looked around once again and it was the bathroom door opening. She waited and her heart starts pounding.

Quickly, Yeji was out of the bathroom and Chaeryeong's heart bursted into joy. It was Yeji, she was better, she was awake.

"Y-Yeji?" she called, unsure if the older remembers her or not.

Yeji turned around and faced the younger, smiling softly at her and Chaeryeong could just let out tears of joy.

Chaeryeong rushed towards her, cupping her face.

"I-Is it really you?.... Do.... D-Do you remember me Honey?" Cbaeryeong asked nervously, she wasn't sure of anything.

"It's me Darling, it's your Yeddeong" Yeji said and Chaeryeong sobs harder as she wraps her arms around the older. Yeji didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the younger as well. She knew she had went through a lot once again.

"I... I missed you so much" Chaeryeong sobbed as she was gripping onto Yeji's shirt from the back

"I know Darling, I'm sorry again" Yeji said softly and kissed the younger's forehead to calm her down.

"B-But what did the nurses say? what about the doctor?" Chaeryeong said as she wiped off her tears and looked at Yeji.

Yeji didn't answered, instead, she held her wife's hand gently and looked at her face, her arms, her body, she felt so worried that her wife had drastically lose a lot of weight in just a week.

"I'm fine Darling, they said I can leave tomorrow" Yeji said and Chaeryeong was happy, they could finally go home and hopefully all could be back to normal

"But what about you? You've lose a lot of weight my love, you weren't like this the last time" Yeji said worriedly

"I.... I was just stressed. I wanted to always keep an eye on you and Yuna. I refused to eat and go to work so I can be with the two of you" Chaeryeong said and looked down

"Darling, it would make me worry more knowing that you weren't taking care of yourself. I don't want you getting sick" Yeji said and caressed her wife's cheek

"I-I'm sorry" Chaeryeong said as she felt tears in her eyes now

"No need to say sorry Darling, I'm better now and it's my turn to take care of you hmm?" Yeji said and Chaeryeong nodded

Yeji then carefully lifts up the younger which shocked Chaeryeong

"Yeji, you might-"

"I'm alright my love, its you who need to be taken care of now" Yeji said as she walks over to the couch and sits down as she lets the younger straddle her lap, facing her.

Yeji held Chaeryeong's hands again and then starts caressing her wrists, noticing how her wrist bones were so evident already. She felt so sad knowing that her wife was starving herself so she could take care of her.

"Honey, why are you crying?" Chaeryeong asked

"You lost a lot of weight my love, you've been starving yourself" Yeji said sadly and sighed. She kissed the younger's hand and held it tightly

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