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They were all now back in Korea, of course Yeji changed her flight ticket just so that she could be with Chaeryeong and Yuna on going back home.

"Mommy, will momma go with us at the house?" Yuna asked as they were now in the car which was driven by Yeji. Yeji had called her driver to bring her car.

"I'm not sure yet sweetheart, me and your momma will still talk about it okay?" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded

"How about you can bring Yuna over to my place from time to time. If you don't have work then both of you can go, I can just pick you two up" Yeji suggested and glance at Chaeryeong quickly before adverting her eyes back on the road

"I mean, if it's okay for you darling" Yeji said

"That sounds nice but I still need to talk to eomma and appa remember? I of course would love that but if ever appa knew about me and Yuna going over to yours without him knowing we're back together he might get mad" Chaeryeong said and Yeji nodded, understanding the younger's side.

Later on, Yeji had drop Chaeryeong, Yuna, Yubin and Haerin off at Chaeryeong's place. Of course Chaeryeong told the older where she lives so that she could drive them there.

They all got down and Yeji helped with bringing their luggages inside the house.
Yuna immediately went to her room while Yubin and Haerin went to fix the other things which leaves Yeji and Chaeryeong alone outside.

"Thank you again. I know its a little complicated right now but I'll talk it out with eomma and appa and hopefully appa will be fine with it" Chaeryeong said and sigh. She knows how her dad could be, so she really needs to persuade him.

"It's fine darling, I understand and I'll do anything just so that your appa could approve of me" Yeji said and it made Chaeryeong smile

"That's why I love you so much" Chaeryeong said and chuckled, Yeji then suddenly pulls her in by the waist and captured her lips, Chaeryeong immediately melts into it and wraps her arms around the older.

"Ehem?" they heard and Chaeryeong pushes Yeji away slightly because of shock. She then turns around and saw Haerin by the door with her arms crossed

"Ms. Lee, you have to get ready to see your parents" Haerin said

"O-oh yeah" Chaeryeong said and chuckled nervously.

"Bye babe, I'll just call or message you later" Chaeryeong said and left a kiss on Yeji's cheek before going back inside the house.

"Goodbye Miss Hwang" Haerin said and Yeji just smiled shyly and nodded before going back to her car and drove off.

Time Skip>>>

"Hello Sweetheart" Mrs. Lee greeted as she sees Chaeryeong enter their house

"Hi eomma" Chaeryeong said and chuckled as soon as her eomma gave her a tight hug

"And hello to you too little princess" Mrs. Lee said as she sees Yuna follow behind Chaeryeong

"Hi haelmoni" Yuna said with a smile which made the older chuckle

"Hello Haerin and Yubin" she greeted as well to the other two girls that Chaeryeong brought along

"So how was your trip to the US sweetheart?" Mrs. Lee asked as she led Chaeryeong and Yuna to the living room

"It was nice actually, I also have gifts for you and appa" Chaeryeong said

"You shouldn't have worried about us sweetheart" her eomma said

"But thank you" she added and Chaeryeong chuckled

"So what brings you here all of the sudden? you're usually busy and only go here when your appa and I call for family dinner" Mrs. Lee asked curiously as she looks at her daughter. Yuna was busy playing with her dolls with Yubin and Haerin

"I need to talk to you and appa about something" Chaeryeong said

"Hmm, sure sweetheart"

"But it's really an important matter" Chaeryeong said and she looked at her eomma in the eye and Mrs. Lee knew what she meant

"I think it's better if you tell me first sweetheart, before you tell your appa" Mrs. Lee said

"Well.... did you heard that Yeji's still alive?" Chaeryeong asked and then Mrs. Lee wasn't even that fazed

"Oh, so you two met?" Mrs. Lee asked which confused Chaeryeong

"What do you mean eomma? you're like you knew it all along" Chaeryeong said

"Sweetheart, I knew that Yeji got into an accident but I wasn't sure if she was really gone that time. The police didn't found the body" Mrs. Lee explained and Chaeryeong just nodded

"Me and her had a talk, even though I was a bit too overwhelmed and... we're together again" Chaeryeong said and swallowed the thick lump in her throat, scared of what her eomma would say.

"Girlfriends?" Mrs. Lee asked and Chaeryeong nodded

"Hmm, I thought it would be more than that" Mrs. Lee said and chuckled which shocked Chaeryeong a bit

"Y-you're not mad?" Chaeryeong asked

"Why would I be sweetheart? and besides, I know that you still love Yeji. You haven't moved on from her ever since. Although she wasn't there the time you were struggling and all, I'm still glad to know that now she remembers you" Mrs. Lee said which made Chseryeong smile with teary eyes. How could she have a mom that understands her so well?

"Thank you eomma" Chaeryeong said as she hugs her mom

"No worries sweetheart, as long as you and Yuna are happy to be with Yeji, then I am as well. Just promise me that she's taking care of the both of you" Mrs. Lee said and Chaeryeong nodded

A little later, Mr. Lee had also arrived at the house

"Oh, the princesses are here" he said and all of them chuckled

"Harabeoji!" Yuna said cheerfully and ran towards Mr. Lee to give him a hug

"Hello little princess" Mr. Lee said and chuckled as he hugs his granddaughter back

"And hello to my youngest princess" Mr. Lee said and went towards Chaeryeong to give her a hug, it made Chaeryeong chuckle a bit

"Appa" Chaeryeong muttered

"Mhm?" Mr. Lee hummed as they part away from the hug

"I need to tell you something important" Chaeryeong said and then Mr. Lee's eyebrows furrowed

"Does your mom knows about this already?" Mr. Lee asked and Chaeryeong nodded

"If it's something serious I don't want Yuna to be here" Mr. Lee said

"Haerin, why don't you and Yubin bring Yuna to my study room first" Mrs. Lee suggested and Haerin nodded, following the woman's orders.

After the three had left the living room, it was now a little bit tense.

"So what is it?" Mr. Lee asked as he sits down on the couch

"Umm..." Chaeryeong muttered softly, she was afraid to tell her appa. She wasn't sure if he would allow her to be with Yeji or not.

"M-me and Yeji are together again" Chaeryeong said and as soon as she looks at her dad, she could only see hatred.

"What?" Mr. Lee asked sternly

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