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(this chapter mostly revolves around Yuna)

"Yuna sweetheart~ your lunch" Chaeryeong called for her daughter. She had prepared a healthy and hearty lunch for her eldest, putting all her favorites and of course not forgetting the strawberry milk that Yuna would always ask for ever since.

"Will you pick me up from school mom?" Yuna asked, looking up at her mother

"Of course I will, me and your momma will pick you and Rima up aa soon as you get done with school okay?" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded with a smile

Going to school, the two are usually being driven by their driver Taehwan but of course when their parents aren't busy, they are the ones who would drop off the two to school.

"Be good in school okay?" Chaeryeong reminded and Yuna nodded with a smile

"Where's eomma?" Yuna asked

"She's probably in her office, you can go and bid goodbye to her" Chaeryeong said and Yuna quickly goes to Yeji's office and then bids her goodbye

"Goodbye sweetheart" Yeji said and kissed the girl's temple

"Oh, here" Yeji said and gives her daughter some money

"Ehh? for what?" Yuna asked confusingly

"There's stalls around your school right? buy whatever you want, okay?" Yejj said but Yuna pouted

"But eomma, I don't need this much" Yuna said

"That's all yours sweetheart. Now go on, you might get late" Yeji said and then Yuna nodded, bidding her eomma goodbye and kissing her cheek.

She goes back to the living room where Chaeryeong was.

"Bye mom" Yuna said and kissed her mom's cheek

"Bye sweetheart, we'll see you later" Chaeryeonb said and hugged her daughter and kissing her cheek before letting her leave the house and being driven to school by Taehwan.

"Honey" Chaeryeong called for Yeji as she enters her office

"Yes my Darling?" Yeji asked and looked at Chaeryeong

"You gave Yuna money again?" Chaeryeong asked and Yeji nodded which made the younger chuckle.


"She's going to give some of it to Taehwan again" Chaeryeong said

"It's fine, at least she gives extra to others" Yeji said and Chaeryeong agreed.

They always taught their daughters to give or to share things if they have extra and when they don't need all of it.

"Rima?" Yeji asked

"She's still asleep, no classes today for her" Chaeryeong said and Yeji nodded

"Let's go have dinner outside with the girls later" Yeji said and Chaerheong agreed once again

"I need to buy a new pair of shoes and a set of school clothes for Yuna and Rima again" Chaeryeong said

"How about you my darling? you need anything?" Yeji asked

"You" Chaeryeong replied and Yeji chuckled. She pulled her wife to her lap and gave her tons of kisses across her face

"Taehwan oppa" Yuna called

"Yes Ms. Yuna?" Taehwan asked

"Here, eomma gave me a lot again" Yuna said and gave some of the money to Taehwan

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