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Going back to their airbnb, Chaeryeong was super exhausted. Of course just from a trip going to the US and they went out the area and some places, it tired her out.

"Want some tea Miss?" Haerin asked her boss

"No need Haerin but thank you for the offer, I'll head off and rest now. You and Yubin should rest as well" Chaeryeong said and Haerin nodded

Chaeryeong then goes to her and Yuna's room to finally rest. She saw her daughter already in her pajamas and in bed playing with her iPad but she had a small book beside her. Chaeryeong doesn't let Yuna play with gadgets often but when she does she only let's the little girl use it for 30 minutes. Yuna was still very young after all.

"Mommy~" Yuna said with a smile causing Chaeryeong to chuckle

"Mommy's just going to get ready for bed okay baby?" Chaeryeong said and Yuna nodded with a smile

Chaeryeong quickly changed her clothes and washed up so she could get to bed as well. When she was done, she went beside her daughter and Yuna immediately puts the iPad aside.

"Are you okay mommy?" Yuna asks as she looks at her mother

"I'm fine sweetheart, why?"

"Nothing, you must've been so tired" Yuna said with a pout

"I'll be fine sweetheart, I have you with me" Chaeryeong said with a smile and Yuna smiled as well

"Mommy, can you read this to me before we go to bed?" Yuna asked

"The Light Princess? Haven't I read this to you already baby?" Chaeryeong asked as Yuna scoots closer to sit beside her

"You did but it's not yet done, there's still a lot of chapters, see" Yuna said and showed it to her mommy

"Okay sweetheart, we can continue this" Chaeryeong said and chuckled

"What part are we on now sweetheart?" Chaeryeong asked as she flips the pages of the book

"Hmm... I guess when the princess and prince were going out together" Yuna said and Chaeryeong nodded with a smile. She then starts reading.

"Night after night they met, and swam about in the dark clear lake, where such was the prince's gladness, that he often imagined that he was swimming in the sky instead of the lake. But when he talked about being in heaven, the princess laughed at him dreadfully.

When the moon came, she brought them fresh pleasure. Everything looked strange and new in her light, with an old, withered, yet unfading newness. When the moon was nearly full, one of their great delights was to dive deep in the water, and then, turning round, look up through it at the great blot of light close above them, shimmering and trembling and wavering, spreading and contracting, seeming to melt away, and again grow solid. Then they would shoot up through the blot, and lo! there was the moon, far off, clear and steady and cold, and very lovely, at the bottom of a deeper and bluer lake than theirs, as the princess said.

The prince soon found out that while in the water the princess was very like other people. And besides this, she was not so forward in her questions or pert in her replies at sea as on shore. Neither did she laugh so much; and when she did laugh, it was more gently. She seemed altogether more modest and maidenly in the water than out of it. But when the prince, who had really fallen in love when he fell in the lake, began to talk to her about love, she always turned her head towards him and laughed. After a while she began to look puzzled, as if she were trying to understand what he meant, but could not—revealing a notion that he meant something. But as soon as ever she left the lake, she was so altered, that the prince said to himself, "If I marry her, I see no help for it: we must turn merman and mermaid, and go out to sea at once"

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