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"Now, what does my gorgeous wife want to do, hm?" Yeji asked as she caressed the younger's exposed thighs

Chaeryeong looked into the older's eyes and her heart starts beating rapidly.

"Tell me Darling, what do you want?" Yeji asked as she was now caressing the younger's inner thighs.

Chaeryeong then suddenly pulls Yeji towards her and brings her in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around the older's nape as her fingers thread to the older's hair, removing her ponytail and putting it on her wrist. Their lips moving in sync and Yeji was now holding onto her wife's waist as they were making out.

"Y-Yeji please~" Chaeryeong whined as Yeji was kissing along her neck

"What darling?" Yeji husked

"Make love to me" Chaeryeong said softly and it just turned Yeji on more. She smirked a left a mark on the younger's collarbone before moving closer to her ear.

"You want that Darling? you want me to pound my dick into your pussy until I fill you up with my thick cum?" Yeji whispered and it sent shivers to Chaeryeong's spine. She felt so aroused when her wife talks dirty to her especially in this way, whispering against her ear.

"Yes please~" Chaeryeong whimpered and bit her lip as she grabs one of Yeji's hands and brings it closer to her core.

Yeji was shocked at how wet her wife was already just by making out with each other.

"Damn baby, you're already so wet for me" Yeji groaned and then pushed the panties aside and looked at her wife's pussy. It was glistening with her wetness and Yeji bit her lip and groaned, feeling her cock growing hard.

"Yeji hurry" Chaeryeong begged, she couldn't wait too long, she wanted to be touched, to feel something that would pleasure her.

Without a verbal response, Yeji pulled off the younger's panties and puts it in her pocket. She then leans towards the younger's core and starts licking along her slit.

"O-Oh~" Chaeryeong moans as she felt Yeji's warm tongue against her folds. Her legs were spread apart on the kitchen counter and she was supporting herself with one of her hands and the other was gripping on Yeji's hair, pushing her further.

"Just like that honey... god~" Chaeryeong moans and throws her head back.

Yeji starts eating her out so good, inserting her tongue and pulling it out. She loves hearing her wife moaning loudly for her. She didn't care if she was too noisy since there was no one else around but them.

Chaeryeong's POV

Yeji was sucking my clit hard, as if she wanted to get something out of there and she was doing it so fucking well.

"Ahhh Yeji!" I screamed loudly as I felt my stomach tingle and her tongue wanting to enter my hole

Unconsciously, I put one of my hands on my clothes tit and squeezed it hard, feeling my hard nipple through my night gown, I wasn't wearing any bra

My legs began to tremble and my back arched further off the counter, causing my body to start convulsing.

"Ah god! Yeji!" I moaned loudly, almost like a scream and at that moment, the most delicious sensation I could ever felt coursed through my body.

It was a fucking good orgasm.

Only with Yeji's mouth

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at her, watching her get up and wipe the corner of her lip with a smile.

"You taste so good Darling" she said and it still manages to make me blush madly

She leaned in towards me and kissed me. I could feel my taste soaking into her tongue and forcefully she pushed it into my mouth, making me feel her almost reach my throat. Seconds later she pulled away from my lips and I looked into her eyes.

"Want more Darling?" she asked with that smirk of hers.

I pulled her towards me and kissed her, and as best as I could I pulled down her sweatpants, grabbing her bulge over her boxers

"Shit..." she breathed and bit my lip causing me to whimper. I moaned and immediately pulled down her boxers, grabbing her cock, palming it. I felt a little bit of pre cum dripping onto her length before I lined it up against my entrance.

She looked into my eyes for a few seconds and I tried to jeep them open, but when I felt her push inside me, I closed then and screamed even louder, throwing mg head back, burying my nails on her back.


"Fuck... you're so tight darling"

She started moving fast, in and out of me, a little bit hard not wanting to overwhelm me. Her grunts were loud as were mine and I enjoyed every one of her kissed and nibbles on my neck.

My wife's fat cock was making me feel much better than ever and I felt like I was gonna cum harder than I had a few minutes ago, my heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

"Ohhh yes, Honey... just like that! Fuck!" I moaned with my eyes closed as I held her hair and she kissed my neck

"You like my fat cock, baby? Scream for it" she groaned and went up to my mouth to kiss me

She moves faster and I pull out of the kiss, moaning.

"Ah ah ah.... yes Yeji... fuck I love it. Keep g-going" I moaned and whimpered at the same time.

I opened my eyes and saw her looking down at our connected sexes, fascinated how her cock was completely hidden inside me and she bit her lip.

Our gazes met again and she pounds into me harder.

"You like this? my fat cock hiding inside your tight little pussy? you moaning out loud knowing that no one's around? huh? you like that Darling?" she asked me and I moaned at the dirty things she was telling me

"Ah yes Daddy! yes!" I wasn't even ashamed calling her that, behaving like a complete slut. My orgasm was so close and I just wanted to reach it.

My stomach began to clench and my legs shook as my body began to convulse, Yeji pressed herself on top of me again and buried her face in my neck

"Ohh fuck!" surely she was close to cumming and my walls tightening around her cock was making it hard for her to breathe.

"Shit, Chaery!"

My hands tangled in her hair and my legs wrapped around her waist, I cum closing my eyes tightly and I could feel the load of her cum dripping inside of me.

I opened my eyes and later Yeji pulled put her cock inside of me making me whimper.

She immediately kisses me and caress my waist and thighs to calm me down.

"Hmm~" I whimpered softly as she pulled away.

I chuckled softly as I looked at her and she did as well.

"Let's get to-"

I cut her off and stroked her cock.

"I want more Honey" I said to her seductively and I could see the lust in her eyes.

She lifts me off the kitchen counter, causing me to squeal and she let's me wrap my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist.

"We have all night Darling" she whispered against my ear and all I could do was moan as I felt the tip of her cock grazing against my folds

This is gonna be a long night.....

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