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[ Mature Chapter ]

"Congratulations again sis" Chaeyeon greeted Chaeryeong

"Thanks unnie, also thank you for keeping Yuna for tonight" Chaeryeong said

"No problem, I'm sure you and Yeji will be having a good time" Chaeyeon said and winked at her sister

"Yah unnie" Chaeryeong whined and playfully hit her sister's shoulder

"Why? well, don't overdo yourselves, you know what I mean" Chaeyeon said and chuckled

Chaeyeon then left and Chaeryeong went back inside her and Yeji's cabin, they were at the beachside and of course Yeji had chosen the one that was very comfortable and the one that is quite far away from the others.

"Is that you Darling?" Yeji asked

"Mhm, it's me" Chaeryeong answered with a smile

"Go on and take a shower, you must be exhausted already" Yeji said and then kissed the younger's temple

"I will" Chaeryeong said and chuckled
She then goes to the bathroom and takes a quick shower and after that, dries herself off and wears her night gown. It was a black sleeveless night gown with some lace on it. It was what Chaeryeong usually wears when she was home. She then goes out of the bathroom and walks over to Yeji.

"Your turn Honey" Chaeryeong said and Yeji just looked at her.

"Aren't you gonna shower?" Chaeryeong asked but Yeji just motions her to come closer, she did as so and was now standing in front of Yeji on the bed.

Yeji then pulls her closer, she suddenly lets her sit on her lap, straddling her. She inches near the younger's neck and takes in her scent.

"You smell so good Darling" Yeji said in her deep voice which made Chaeryeong's spine shiver.

The two then make eye contact, Chaeryeong looks at Yeji's eyes then noticed that the older was looking at her lips, she did the same and later on she goes in for a gentle kiss. The kiss starts off sweet but quickly goes into a heated one.

Yeji's hands were now placed on the younger's waist as Chaeryeong's arms were around Yeji's neck, her hands now tangled in the older's hair.

"Hmm~" Chaeryeong moaned softly and this caused them to part away for a bit and looked at each other.

"I want you Yeji" Chaeryeong said seductively which made Yeji's ear perk

"I want you, please take me" Chaeryeong added and Yeji possessively holds her fiancée in her arms and kissed her passionately. Full of want and need.

After a while of making out, Yeji places Chaeryeong on their bed and hovers on top of her. Yeji looks at the younger and saw her eyes looking at her expectingly.

"May I?" Yeji asked, referring to the younger's night gown. When she got a nod from her, she carefully removes it from her body, she was in awe at the sight, her fiancée' half naked, only with her panties on.

"Fuck. You're so beautiful my love" Yeji said and it made Chaeryeong blush when Yeji traced her fingers along the younger's body. When she reached the younger's breast, she gave it a tight squeeze.

"Ahh~" Chaeryeong moaned and bit her lip at the sudden pleasure. It was only this time again when Yeji touched her like this.

After giving it a massage, Yeji leans down snd starts sucking on the younger's breasts, swirling her tongue around the pink nipple. Chaeryeong whimpers Yeji's name and tugs at her clothes, wanting the older to take it off. The younger kneads the flesh of her fiancée's breasts as Yeji switches to the other and takes the other nipple, giving it the same attention

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