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Y/N is 20 and the sister of Kate Y/N falls in love with Wanda but Wanda hates her and almost killed Y/N.

warning:suicide thought and stuff with killing and choking And SH and ED

~Y/N pov~
~after the mission~
i was walking into the kitch seeing Wanda angry "whats wr-" i got cut up as Wanda uses her power and pinned me onto the wall.

light choking "WTF Wanda let her down" my sister yelled at her "why she almost killed us on the mission" she said.

"she didn't noticed okay she almost killed herself on it okay" Kate yelled Wanda gave me a push with her power so my head hit the wall.

she let go i fall onto the ground Kate rushed to me so did Nat.

~Kate pov~
"i-i'm s-sorry s-sis" Y/N stuttered and her eyes closed "no please don't leave me!" i said as tears run down my cheeks.

"fuck we need to get her to the hospital" Nat said "what is wrong with you Wanda" Yel yelled at her Nat took Y/N and carried her to her car i sat in the backseat.

Y/N'S head on my lap i didn't care that my leg will be full of blood i just want my sister to be alive "were here" Nat said she got out and carried Y/N in the hospital.

~20 minutes later~
the nurse came out "and?!" i asked as i stood up "she is okay but she is in a coma and she had a massive cut on her left leg and she had many cuts on her arm looks like she did it herself" she said "thanks can we see her?" i asked.

"sure" she said we walked in my eyes began to tear up as i saw her like that Nat pulled me to her and hugged me "she will be okay" she said.

i nod as i cried into her shoulder Nat phone began to ring she looked at it "its Yelena" she said i nod as i sat down on the chair next to Y/N.

i carefully took her hand and stroke her hand "yeah Y/N is okay she is in a coma" nat said "we don't know when she will be awake" she said.

"i hope soon" i said.

~3 days later~
~Wanda pov~
after i almost killed Y/N i felt really bad Kate got a phone call "hello?" she asks "yeah its me" she said she waited as she listened on the phone.

"she is awake?!" she asks happily "can i come and see her?" she asks "okay i'll be there in 5 minutes" she said and hung up.

"what happened" Yel asked as she came out of her room "Y/N is awake" she said "can i come with you?" she asks Kate nod.

~Y/N pov~
i heard a knock "C-come in" i said my sister came in with Yelena "omg finally" Kate said as she run to me i just smiled at her she carefully hugged me.

she let go "i missed you so much" she said i smiled "i missed you too" i said a nurse came in "oh hello nice to see you uhm Y/N you're allowed to go home since your wounds completely healed and you're okay" the nurse said.

"okay thanks" i said the nurse took the needle out of my hand Kate helped me up a little i walked into the bathroom and changed into my clothes.

i walked out "can we go?" i asked both nod we walked to Yelena's car we got in.

~at the tower"
~Nat pov~
the door opened Y/N walked in "omg Y/N" i screamed as i run to her and hugged her she hugged back.

~Y/N pov~
Nat run to me and hugged me i hugged back i saw Wanda coming out of the kitchen i got scared that she will push me onto the wall again.

"N-Nat" i said "yeah?" she asks she looked at Wanda "she wont hurt you i'm at your side okay" she said i nod as i looked away.

~Wanda pov~
fuck Y/N is scared of me now "you okay?" Vision asked "yeah" i said "Nat c-can we go into my room" Y/N asks "sure" Nat said.

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